The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,4

board and setting it in place below the first one. Marek stepped closer to help.

“She doesn’t act like she is. Doesn’t matter, really. Since I know this is Kern’s baby, I can’t walk away. He wouldn’t if this were my baby, and I can’t with Kern’s.”

“Even if he didn’t love the lady?”

“Even if. Besides, you read that message. I would bet the ranch Kern was running through his mind how he could get her to marry him.”

“Might be right. So you want this baby in the family?”

Watching Jess hammer, Marek thought a long time. “Yes, I do. Suppose he’s a lot like Kern or even a little like Kern? It would drive me nuts to think a little boy was out there, Kern’s son, who looked and acted like Kern and we didn’t know him and didn’t care. I can’t do that. She wants us in his life. She wants him to have an appreciation for ranching. I can’t argue against either of those.”

“Then you’ve made your decision. Tell Ginny.”

“I guess I have to.”

“Frankly, I’d kind of like to see the little fellow myself.”

“I’ll call Ginny and then I’ll call Camille and see if I can arrange to see her again, which will be easy to do. Per Kern’s usual taste, she’s a beauty,” he said, remembering his first impression of her. “Also, she said she’d like me to be a father figure for Noah.”

“That may be difficult if she doesn’t live around here.”

“True. She’s leaving Dallas in July and going to Santa Fe. She has a busy schedule. Until then, I’d like to know this child.”

“Have you called your parents?”

Marek nodded. “I’m going to call to tell them. I want this baby to know the Rangels and us to know him. I’ll go call Ginny. Thanks, Jess.”

“You might get a little bit of Kern back,” Jess said somberly.

“I’d like that, Jess, but I’m scared that’s too much to hope for. I’ll let you know what she says.” Marek jogged to the house and inside, letting the door swing shut behind him.

While he called his sister, he remembered Camille—her vivid looks, her energetic presence. Good genes with Kern’s genes. Should be a good combination. He talked for ten minutes, chatting briefly with each of his little nieces before his sister returned to the phone.

“Ginny, I have some news that will shock you. I can come back to Dallas to tell you or I can tell you on the phone, but you’re in for a giant shock.”

“You have to tell me now, Marek. Good grief, after that I can’t wait for you to get to Dallas. What is it?”

“Do you know who Camille Avanole is?”

There was a moment’s silence. “I don’t think so. I can’t think of a single Camille I know.”

“Do you recognize the name?”

“If you don’t tell me what you’re getting at, Marek, I’m going to reach through this phone and grab you.”

“Ginny, she called me and said she wanted to talk to me,” he said, recalling the sparks he’d felt when they had touched while shaking hands—something he hadn’t felt with a woman since the loss of Jillian. “She knew Kern,” he continued. “Camille and Kern went out on a weekend over a year and a half ago. She got pregnant with Kern’s baby.”

“Kern had a baby?” Ginny’s voice sounded faint and breathless.

“Yes, he did. He found out she was pregnant the day before he flew to Denver.”

“Oh, my word. Do you suppose that’s why he lost control and crashed? Was he thinking about the baby? Is it really Kern’s? Maybe it’s not and this is one of those women who try to take advantage—”

“Ginny,” Marek stated firmly. “Listen to me. She has a note Kern sent her right before the flight. It’s Kern’s message. It sounds like him. She gave me a copy of it, and I’ll show it to you.”

“Marek, I do need to sit. This is a shock. A baby.”

“A little boy named Noah. He’s six months old. I have dinner with Camille tomorrow night to talk about the future,” he said, realizing he was looking forward to seeing her again. Another first since losing Jillian. Maybe the numbness was wearing away. Or maybe it was Camille’s beauty and captivating presence that had stirred his reactions. “I can’t turn my back on that baby. I know he’s Kern’s son. She had a picture, and he looks like Kern.”

“We have to know this little boy. Will she let us? Is she famous? You asked if I Copyright 2016 - 2024