The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,34

Noah has been on his best behavior all day as if he senses something special is happening.” Marek’s slight smile looked real this time, and she relaxed a little. “Perhaps someday we’ll dance and you’ll be delighted that I’m the person in your arms.”

“I am happy over this, Camille. In more ways than you can guess. You’ve brought me out of the grief I had sunk into. I think this union is going to be great for all of us.”

“That’s what I’m counting on, too.”

“We’ll do all right together, because we each have our own lives and we’re really not going to be together that much,” he said, sounding as if he were preoccupied. “The arrangement we have is a trial—remember that. As much as we can, we’ll live together under the same roof when you’re not performing, and for now you’ll call the ranch home. As soon as possible, we’ll all go to the ranch.”

“That will be a totally new experience for me and my sisters. Noah won’t know the difference,” she said, enjoying dancing with Marek as she always did. He looked incredibly handsome, and for a fleeting second she wished life had been different. The longing was gone as swiftly as it had come.

“You can get whatever decorator you want,” Marek said. “We’ve already made changes at our Dallas house.”

“Our house—it will take a while to become accustomed to thinking that way. I’m still astounded at how fast you got the changes in I wanted.”

“It’s our house from this day forward, until we make a legal change.”

“That sounds permanent. The ranch is another thing I’m trying to become accustomed to. Horses, cattle, ranches—I know nothing about them.”

“Ranch life is pretty plain. It’s hard work, but just taking care of cattle, horses, land, fences, a million things strung out over lots of land. It won’t mean much to you, and when you’re there, you won’t even know it’s going on.”

“My ring is beautiful. Thank you again.”

“I’m glad you like it. Let’s get through this and out of here when we can. I’m ready to be alone with you. You look gorgeous today.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at him. “You’re nice. You look supremely handsome.”

He smiled. “Mutual admiration. That’s good. There’s so much that’s good. I’m happy, Camille.”

They circled the dance floor in silence.

“I like dancing with you, but we can do that on our honeymoon,” Marek said finally. “After this dance, we probably should circulate and talk to guests so we can get out of here sooner. I want you to myself,” he repeated.

“Marek, just a reminder, I can’t rush into anything physical.”

“We’ve agreed on that subject, and I promised it would be mutual.” He leaned close to her ear. “I’ll tell you now. I’m going to seduce you, Camille. I want to make love to you. You’re a desirable woman,” he whispered, making her tingle, although she suspected he was trying to smooth over the lack of deep feelings between them.

“I could be a little green woman from Mars and you wouldn’t notice,” she said.

“Not true. I know I’m with a beautiful, desirable woman,” he said in a warm voice, looking down at her in one of the rare moments when it seemed as if he really saw her as a woman.

The ballad ended and another began. Her father appeared to ask her to dance, and Marek left to ask his mother.

By early afternoon she saw Marek give her a look and then glance toward the door. She sat at a table with her family. “I think we’re leaving now,” she said. She gave each one a hug and stopped longer with Ashley. Noah had fallen asleep beside her in his carrier. “Don’t hesitate to text about anything. Keep in touch.”

“You’ll hear from me often. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine. We’ll all take care of him.”

“Take care, Ashley, and call if there’s anything. Marek can have us flown right back here.”

“I know he can. See you in a few days. Enjoy the water and palm trees. And your handsome husband.”

Camille laughed and hugged her sister briefly. “I will.”

Joining her, Marek took her hand to rush to the waiting limo that took them to the airport and a Rangel plane.


As they headed east over Texas, Marek gazed out the window. Noah would be part of his life now. He already had an attorney working on the adoption. In spite of wanting this marriage and being overjoyed that Camille had accepted, he had hurt earlier today. The morning had Copyright 2016 - 2024