The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,11

and talk to him. All the hesitation and uncertainty Marek had shown that first time he had held Noah had disappeared. She left them alone for a time, and, when she returned, Marek was seated on the floor, holding Noah and talking to him about a large, brightly colored ball and rolling it around for him.

Marek had glanced at her and smiled, his attention quickly returning to Noah. She was constantly reminded of Marek’s loss because he seemed cool and distant in many ways. She suspected he rarely saw her as anything more than Noah’s mom, which, under the circumstances, was just as well.

“Camille, you haven’t heard a word I’ve said to you,” Ashley said as she finished changing Noah.

“Sorry, Ash, I was lost in thought about Marek.”

“I can see why. He’s a good-looking man. Even more so than his brother. I never really saw his brother in person, just pictures, so maybe that’s not fair.”

“He’s more handsome, but he has none of the laid-back charm his younger brother did. He’s far more serious.”

“You each have serious issues to deal with—how Noah will be raised, plus the personal issues. Can you trust Marek and will he ever get over his loss? Maybe he’s charming when there’s nothing at stake.”

“You’re probably right. His fiancée was stunning, constantly in society pages, and I’m sure photographers loved to take her picture. No woman can be as beautiful as she was.”

“I have to agree with you. Her pictures look like she was a movie star or top model.”

“He’s still grieving for her, but now Noah is a distraction from his loss.”

“The crash was dreadful. His grief is understandable. I’ll have Noah ready when they come. I want to get him fed now before I try to clean him up or dress him.”

“I can feed him,” Camille said, reaching for her baby.

“Not if you don’t want to have to change again. You’re dressed and ready. Let me run the risk of him blowing breakfast or spitting up.”

Laughing, Camille shrugged. “He’s yours. I’m nervous about meeting Marek’s sister.”

“Why on earth would you be nervous?”

Camille shrugged. “I suppose since she’s the mother of two. I feel like she knows more about babies. I’m still a novice at this.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Besides, Marek is nice. A little fierce-looking sometimes. And a heartbreaker. I pity anyone who falls in love with him. Since he’s still grieving over his fiancée and brother, he isn’t going to want to lose Noah, too. I still think Steph may be right on this one.”

“Time will tell, but I don’t think so,” Camille replied, feeling a tiny knot of worry surface. In spite of his reassurances and his brother’s good opinion of him, the nagging fear wouldn’t go away.

Two hours later, after introductions had been made and she and Marek had talked briefly, she gathered her sisters and left Marek and his sister and foreman with Noah.


At the end of their visit with Noah, Marek flew back to the ranch with Jess and worked beside him the rest of the day, finding release for pent-up feelings in sheer physical labor. He did the same on Sunday, mulling over his options regarding Noah. Sunday evening he saw Jess in the corral riding a new horse.

Marek grabbed his Stetson and went out, stretching out his legs as he walked to the corral. He perched on the fence to watch Jess work with the quarter horse. Jess turned, riding close and swinging down out of the saddle. “This is a fine horse.”

“You’ve got him as gentle as a lamb.”

“That’s what I mean. He’s a good one. You made an excellent purchase. Want to ride him for a minute?”

“Sure,” Marek replied, jumping down from the fence and climbing into the saddle. He circled the corral, urging the horse to a trot. When he finished, he returned to Jess to dismount.

“Here he is, as good as you said.” He handed the reins to Jess and walked beside him as he led the horse into the stable. In the cool shadows Marek leaned against a post to watch Jess unsaddle the horse.

“I’ve been thinking what I can do about little Noah. Whatever we do, we can’t take him from Camille. Her sisters are crazy about him, too. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but we have to be part of his life and be able to watch him grow. He’s a tie to Kern that I want in our lives.”

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