Tex (Hell's Ankhor #5) - Aiden Bates Page 0,84

strained against the fabric of his shorts. God, it was sexy, seeing him already half-debauched and flushed above me. I trailed my forefinger over the shape of his cock and Jazz shivered.

My own cock was quickly hard as well, and I shifted my hips beneath him, pushing up to ensure he felt it. “Want you.”

Jazz stood up and wrestled out of his own jeans and underwear. A flare of affection sparked in my chest—I’d almost call it cute, the eagerness with which he tore off his jeans to get back into bed with me. I pushed the sheets down, and Jazz took a quick moment to drag his gaze over the length of my naked body before he crawled back onto the bed, covering my body with his own.

I hummed with pleasure at the sudden overwhelming sensation of being skin-to-skin from head to toe, and wrapped my arms tight around him. He slotted his legs into mine and the line of his cock in my hip was burning hot, and already wet at the tip. I kissed him deeply and slowly.

After a long, sweet kiss, I carded my hand through his hair and gripped the nape of his neck. I pulled him back just enough to tip our foreheads together. His amber eyes gleamed when I met his gaze steadily. “I love you,” I said again.

His heart pounded inside his chest. Or maybe that was mine.

“I’m in love with you,” I said.

Jazz exhaled. His amber eyes flickered closed, and then opened again, sparkling like he couldn’t believe what I was saying.

I kissed him again, briefer this time, mostly as an excuse to settle the nervous anticipation in my chest before I spoke again. “I want you inside me.”

Jazz bit his lip and tipped his head against my shoulder. His cock twitched hard against my hip. “Stop talking.”

“What?” I asked. I skated my hands down his back and gripped his ass, kneading the muscle there, with the added bonus of pressing his cock more firmly into my skin. “Come on. I want it.”

Jazz pulled back and looked at me again, his amber eyes a little unsure. I met his gaze steadily. Even if I was nervous, I wanted this. I want to feel him inside me. I wanted us to share an experience I’d never shared with anyone else.

Jazz sat back up again, straddling my hips as he was before, but without the barrier of the sheets or his jeans between us. I ran my hands up his thighs, pressing my fingers into the strong muscle.

“You want it?” he asked.

My gaze flicked to his hard cock. I nodded.

With a grin, Jazz reached over me to the nightstand. I assumed he was going for the lube, but instead he grabbed my black Stetson and set it jauntily crooked on his head. He ran his fingers over the brim with a grin. “Always did want to ride a cowboy.”

It should’ve annoyed me—he was doing it to be a tease—but instead, the sight of Jazz in my hat sent a curl of arousal through me. His amber eyes went half-lidded with desire as I gripped his hips.

“Any cowboy?” I asked.

“Maybe not any cowboy,” he admitted. He took the hat off with a flourish, only to lean down and kiss me. “Maybe just you.”

That’s what I wanted. Just him. Just us.


There was still a little twinge of nervousness in Tex’s expression, but it was outweighed by the arousal sending a pink flush from his cheeks to his chest.

I still couldn’t believe it—that it was Tex, my Tex, spread out under me, in my bed, looking up at me like that. He’d asked me to fuck him, and the heat that shot down my spine had brought me embarrassingly close to my climax. I reined in my own desires.

Tex said he loved me. Said he was in love with me.

It felt like a dream. But it meant I had time. All the time in the world to get to know Tex’s gorgeous body in all the ways I’d imagined. To map every freckle on his skin with my hands and my mouth.

But right now, all that mattered to me was making Tex feel good. He wanted me inside him, and I wanted him to enjoy every fucking second of it. I wanted to smooth the nervous furrow from his brow and fuck him so good he couldn’t see straight.

We shifted on the bed until I was lying on my side with Tex stretched out next to

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