Testing Truth (Cyborg Space Exploration #6) - Cynthia Sax Page 0,58

Truth’s side. She carried a crown and strips of fabric the same hue as his female’s garments. “You will not do, my prince.” Marthe wrapped the cloth around his right biceps, tied it in a flamboyant bow. “Lower your head.”

Truth complied with the order, his gaze remaining on his princess.

Marthe set the crown on his head. “Royaumes are expecting a prince. You must look like a prince.”

“One doesn’t look like a prince without a crown.” He winked at the female.

“Princes don’t wink.” The twinkle in Marthe’s eyes belied her trite tone.

“My prince winks.” His female glided into his arms.

“Your prince does quite a few things he shouldn’t do.” He tilted her backward and covered her lips with his.

She clutched his shoulders, hanging onto him. One of her slipper-clad feet lifted, her ankle brushing against his legs.

Her lips parted and Truth surged inside her, ravishing his princess’ hot mouth, not caring about their audience, about the royal protocol Valentin was trying to drum into him, only processing the need he had for his female, his wonder that she was his, that they would be venturing on a long lifespan filled with adventure and love and, if they were fortunate, more parades in their honor.

He slid one of his hands upward.

And got it slapped by Marthe. “If you disrupt our princess’ hair, my prince, I will spray your body armor with pink pigment.”

“I might like that.” Truth laughed, setting his princess back on her slipper-clad feet. “The look on Captain’s face when he sees me would be worth any disadvantages the pink armor will give me in battle.”

“You’re covered with sparkle.” His princess shook her head. Her lips were plumped from his kiss. Her expression was amused.

“Royaumes will process their princess loves me.” He liked that she had marked him.

“That is the truth, but we should leave before we create a bigger scene.” She floated to her side of the transport and waited like the true royal she was.

“My princess.” He helped her into the small vessel. It was a challenge. Her skirt was huge. Much of the fabric had to be draped over the back of the seat.

Which made the transport even prettier than it already was.

Truth hustled to his side of the vessel, started the engines. The floor rumbled under his booted feet. He met his female’s gaze. “Are you ready for this next adventure?”

She placed one of her small hands on his arm. “If that adventure is with you, my prince, I’m always ready.”

“You are my female.” He grinned at her. “Claude, Valentin, Marthe, we’ll see you before Royaume’s single sun sets.”

Valentin frowned at him. “You’ll see us before then.”

Truth didn’t answer him. He merely laughed and flew the transport toward the grounds’ exit.

The guards bowed to their princess, to him, and solemnly opened the gates.

“Forever Princess. Forever Prince.” Humans of all solar cycles, all types, cheered and waved scarves. The excitement in the crowd was invigorating.

“Fraggin’ hole.” Truth’s joy compounded. “This is going to be so much fun.”

“Everything is fun with you, my prince.” His princess beamed at him and waved back at their admirers.

By the time they rejoined Claude, Valentin, and Marthe, his princess’ voice was hoarse, and she leaned on him for support. Truth swung her into his arms, much to the delight of the crowd. They cheered. He waved to them one more time and carried his female into the ship.

“This isn’t done.” She patted his body armor-clad chest.

“This is being done.” He grinned at her.

Valentin and Claude waited for them in the hallway. They gazed at their princess with concern.

“We’re fine.” She turned her smile on them. “All the waving and speaking took its toll on one.”

“Our princess should rest.” Valentin looked at Truth. “We’ll fly the ship if you give us the destination.”

“The Reckless remains stationed near Nereid Negative One.” He would input the exact coordinates when he was at the controls.

Valentin nodded, glanced once more at his princess, turned, and walked toward the bridge.

Claude lingered in the hallway, bracing himself against the wall. The fabric over his shoulders and stomach was pulled tight. His chest covering appeared to be one deep breath away from busting open.

Truth paused beside him. It might not take that much. He could—

“Don’t do it.” His female murmured that statement at a level only he could hear. “He’d be mortified.”

Frag. “Your knowledge of my processing is impressive, my princess.” He laughed. “Claude.” He addressed the male. “The farewell parade occurred without incident. Thank you for your part in

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