Testing Truth (Cyborg Space Exploration #6) - Cynthia Sax Page 0,45

pain was too much.” He lifted one of his hands, rested it on his forehead. “I was prepared to die, Marthe, to save the others. The enemy fire was fierce.”

It had been alarmingly fierce. They had been lucky to leave the prison ship alive.

“You offered to hold back that enemy fire, were willing to die to defend us.” Nancy gazed at her father with open admiration and increased respect.

Claude would have sacrificed his life for her, for her brother, for Valentin, her other father.

It was humbling.

She never wanted to place him, place any loved one, in that sort of danger again. “You killed many of the prison guards.”

“Valentin and I were greatly outnumbered.” Claude’s eyes glowed. He would have a new story to tell others. “But we held them off.”

“There will be time for revisiting the mission later.” Marthe stood. “We have to get you to the medic chamber.”

“I’ll help you.” Nancy slipped off Truth’s lap, reluctantly severing the physical connection between them. “The three of us should be able to carry him.”

“You will not carry me, Princess.” Claude’s eyes widened. “I’m your royal guard. I serve you. You don’t serve me.”

“You’re one of my fathers.” Nancy propped her fists against her hips and glared at the stubborn older male. “Children serve their—”

“I will carry him.” Truth jumped to his booted feet. “Assist Valentin with the flying, beautiful.” He picked her up as though she weighed nothing and plopped her on the captain’s chair. “Marthe, you’ll show me where you want Claude to be placed.” Her take-action cyborg hefted the huffing male over his shoulder and stalked off the bridge.

Marthe hurried after him.

Nancy turned in her chair, watching them until the doors closed behind them.

Mercy. She stifled an appreciative sigh. Truth had broad shoulders.

“You love him.” Valentine’s voice was soft.

“Yes, I love him.” She wrinkled her nose. Her relationship with Truth was doomed. “You don’t have to say anything, Father. I know who I am, what my role is. Princesses are matched with rulers of planets, leaders who can safeguard Royaume.” She recited the words the queen often told her. “They certainly don’t follow their hearts and bond with brave, laughing warriors who have no influence in the universe.”

“Does he have no influence?” Her normally tradition-serving private secretary surprised her by asking that question. “I heard the cyborgs when they spoke with him. They would have joined the rescue, would have fought beside your warrior if he had asked them to do that.”

Nancy had gained that same impression. But that changed nothing. “He’s not the ruler Royaume requires I align with.”

“Royaume needs allies it can count on, allies who would help it fend off the next entity seeking to control the planet.” Valentin’s face was devoid of emotion, suspiciously blank. “There are few fighting forces fiercer than the cyborgs.”

Cyborgs were manufactured to win battles. They would make strong allies. “The queen would never allow the alliance.”

“We’ll ensure the queen does allow it.” Valentin sounded certain.

Nancy wanted to believe in her father’s powers of persuasion, longed for an alliance with Truth to be a possibility.

But she knew the queen.

The queen would never listen to her or to Valentin. She didn’t care about the happiness of any of her children.

The proof of that stance was on the ship. The ruler had coldly traded the lifespan, the safety, of the prince for temporary peace. The male had barely survived that experience.

The queen wouldn’t hesitate to bind Nancy to a stranger. She would insist Royaume’s princess form the same frigid, kingdom-advancing match she had endured.

And that would be as lethal to Nancy as a Humanoid Alliance prison cell.

It would kill her. Slowly. Surely.

Planet rotation after planet rotation, she’d fade further into the background, becoming the silent shadow in the chamber, gazing down forever at a private viewscreen, rarely speaking a word, not caring about anything or anything.

She’d disappear until there was nothing left of her, no heart, no happiness, no hope.

Nancy’s jaw jutted. That wouldn’t protect Royaume either. An emotionally dead princess was no assistance to anyone. She had to find a solution that safeguarded her heart.

That didn’t part her from Truth.

“Valentin, you’re needed in your private chambers.” Her cyborg returned as though summoned by her thoughts. He scooped her out of her seat, took her place, set her back on his lap. “I have the controls.”

“I’ll return in a shift.” Valentin dipped his head and left the bridge.

“He’s hurrying like I hurried to get back to you.” Truth laughed.

Nancy couldn’t, wouldn’t, live without

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