Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,86

his forehead. He was the one who observed her. With perhaps a little too much intent.

Heracles pointed to the first one, the handsome moonlight creature. “This is Theseus.” He pointed to the other. “This is Pirithous. They both bid me to show them the path to the Underworld, and now my vow to Theseus has been completed.”

She watched him narrow his eyes at the other two men. Something unsaid passed between them, although she couldn’t guess what that warning was.

Heracles bowed to her again. “If you would kindly look upon their plight, I’m sure these two cretins would be most appreciative. I, however, must bid you farewell, maiden of the Underworld.”

“It’s Persephone now,” she corrected.

“I know,” he replied. The handsome sparkle in his eyes made her blush. “To me, you will always be the blessed maiden.”

He stepped through the portal and then disappeared. Persephone had the distinct feeling that she might not see him again while he was alive, though he would carry the virility of Zeus even into death. She would still miss seeing the heat and life flowing through his veins.

She returned her attention to the other two men, who watched her with heated gazes. “Because I respect Heracles, what can I do for the two of you?”

They needed to know she was not doing this because she wanted to help them. Mortal men had no place in the Underworld, and if Heracles had not been here to assist them, then she would have let them rot. Charon could figure out what to do with them for all she cared.

The boatman rowed closer just as she thought about him. The sound of his oars striking the deadly waters was a reassuring sound.

Pirithous was the first to speak, his voice just as handsome as his face. “My Queen, it is an honor to meet you.” He bowed low. “We’ve heard the Underworld was led by a beautiful woman, but I had no idea how astounding you would be in person.”

She frowned. Why was he giving her so many compliments? “Thank you. Heracles mentioned you needed something?”

“All mortals speak of your beauty with reverence.” He stepped closer again, so near she felt her heart skip a beat in warning. “They speak of your kindness to the dead.”

She supposed it wasn’t all that impossible for the humans to have heard she’d given a few coins to souls. If they were one of the few whose families couldn’t afford to give them a proper burial, then the mortals might have appreciated that. Although, she couldn’t be certain.

A part of her wondered if she should run. He shouldn’t know so much about her, and he certainly shouldn’t be looking at her with that much heat.

But the dark part of her soul reveled in the knowledge that he wanted to devour her whole. The blistering ache of jealousy was soothed by this mortal man, handsome and different from Hades in every single way.

Pirithous clearly wanted her. He would trace her body with his fingertips and worship her as many mortals apparently did now. Could Hades do that? Could he worship her as a goddess when he was her equal?

She let the mortal take another step closer, so close she could smell the earthiness of his skin. Sweat and grime from travel, real and raw.

Pirithous reached forward, slowly, allowing her the heartbeats she needed to step back if she wanted. When Persephone didn’t move, he cupped her jaw in his hand, stroking her chin with his thumb. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, Persephone. I came all this way to take you away from this dark and dreary place. I’ve come to take you back to the mortal realm. Home.”

The word echoed in her mind, and for a second, she thought about it. She hadn’t been home in such a long time, and her mother was likely missing her. It would make sense for her to go with this mortal man.

Maybe he sensed how easily she could be swayed. Pirithous’s hand clenched on her jaw. “Become my wife and I will give you everything you desire.”

Just like that, all the thoughts in her head silenced. Wife? The one word was the only thing she could focus on. Why would she be this mortal’s wife?

“I already have a husband,” she replied, confused and unsure of where this conversation was going.

“Indeed, she does.” Hades' voice sliced through the air, sure as a sword and just as deadly.

The two men froze, and even Persephone didn’t

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