Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,8

and gleaming in their looks, Artemis was a sword ready to strike.

She wore a man’s chiton made of emerald green fabric. It tied at her shoulder with a golden clasp in the shape of a deer. The fabric ended just above her knees, and she’d worn laced shoes that only showed how powerful her legs were. Long, chocolate colored curls framed her square jaw and face. Streaks of sun kissed strands gleamed as she moved.

Of all the gods to startle her, Kore was happiest to see her friend.

Artemis grinned. “Did I scare you?”

“I think anyone would have scared me here. Look at all the gods.” Kore tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I feel so drab next to them all.”

“Well,” Artemis stared at her clothing, then stuck out her tongue. “Your mother did you no favors putting you in that peplos. What was she thinking? It’s your first time in Olympus!”

They both knew what Demeter had been thinking. She didn’t want anyone giving her daughter a second glance, and she’d likely succeeded.

Kore sighed and held her arms out at her sides. “I’m not sure really, but... This was the outfit she chose.”

“At least the nymphs made you look pretty.” Artemis touched a hand to Kore’s cheek, her thumb stroking over her softened jaw. “You look beautiful, Kore. That charcoal really does something for those pretty green eyes of yours.”

Blushing perhaps a little too hard, Kore took a step back from her friend. Artemis could sometimes get a little... well. Too comfortable with women. Kore didn’t mind it most of the time, but there were moments when the gleam in Artemis’s eyes was a little too powerful.

She didn’t want to hurt anyone. That wasn’t what Kore’s powers were for, even though sometimes they screamed for retribution or... Revenge? She didn’t know.

All she knew was that she wasn’t capable of hurting anyone or anything. Kore was a goddess of the harvest, just like her mother. She made plants grow and wane. She gave food to people who needed it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Artemis stepped away as well, her own cheeks burning. “The nectar here is amazing. Zeus always keeps the best for himself. Have you tried it?”

“No!” Kore jumped at the opportunity to ease the awkwardness. “Should I? Mother said I wasn’t allowed to have any.”

“You’re an adult, Kore. Even if she doesn’t want you to be.” Artemis held out her arm for Kore to take. “Come on. Let’s get you your first glass.”

They strode through the crowd together, and Kore felt like a goddess. With Artemis beside her, everyone stared. They might see a little nymph beside the goddess of the hunt, but maybe they would see who Kore really was.

She felt like one of them. And that’s all that mattered.

They walked by a bearded man who was well into his drink. His blue tunic glimmered like he was under the water and his beard lifted now and then like waves were brushing through it.

“Poseidon?” she whispered under her breath.

“Yes. Stay away from him.”

“Why?” Kore wanted to get closer, if anything.

He looked like an interesting character, and she loved to meet new people. Her mother never let her meet other gods, and what if Poseidon had something interesting to say? She’d never been close to the sea, but the naiads loved coming back with tales from the saltwater.

Kore tugged hard on Artemis’s arm. “Can we at least say hello? I’ve never met him before.”

“Your mother would kill me.”

“I just want to see—” Kore stopped talking as a heavy hand grabbed onto the meat of her bottom.

Letting out a horrified gasp, she flinched away from the touch and into Artemis. Her sidestep made even the powerful goddess of the hunt stumble, and together, they listed to the side. Artemis righted them both, barely controlling an embarrassing fall.

She spun around and locked eyes with Poseidon himself. How had he approached them so fast?

He staggered a step to the side before catching himself and gesturing at her with a glass. “I didn’t know Zeus ordered nymphs to attend us! Trust me, you don’t want to spend the night with Artemis. A curvy thing like you? Come here.”

He lunged toward her again. With a gasp of horror, she realized she’d frozen in place. Kore didn’t know if she should run or just let him do whatever he wanted. He was the god of the sea. Was she allowed to deny him?

Artemis yanked on her arm at the last moment and jerked her out

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