Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,79

is it you want, Heracles?” she asked. Though she tried very hard to not be the terrifying dark goddess as he claimed the mortals thought she was. She wanted to be a light in the Underworld, not add to its mystery and fear.

“I am trying to make amends for deeds that should have been punished,” he croaked. “I serve the mortal King Eurystheus and have been given twelve deeds to cleanse my soul. As stated by the Oracle of Delphi. This is my last trial, and the only thing that stands between me and purity once again.”

Who was she to prevent him from trying to clear his own name? And twelve trials were no small amount.

The dark thing inside her whispered. When Kore opened her mouth, it was like another person was talking through her. “What did you do to deserve such trials?”

He looked up at her then, rather than staring at the floor like he worshiped them. The regret in his eyes made tears well in her own. “Hera cast a spell of madness over me. She’s hated me since I was nothing more than a babe. But under this madness, this rage that she sent into my mind, I killed my wife. I killed my children.” He looked down at his hands as though he could still see the blood there. “I can still hear their screams.”

Kore wanted to punish him. She wanted to refuse him any leniency and prevent him from ever purifying his soul. He’d killed them? His wife and children?

But the dark thing in her soul disagreed. She settled back into her throne and allowed the sinister power to wash over her. Heracles wasn’t to blame, and he already punished himself far more than she ever could. Hera was in the wrong here.

Flashing memories gripped her. Memories of groping gods and the terrifying fear that ran through her at their touch.

Kore knew what it was like for gods to control her life, while she understood that she could do nothing about it. And for that reason alone, she pitied Heracles. He’d done terrible, horrible things that would change his life forever, but she wouldn’t be the one to stand in his way to redemption.

“What is your final task?” she asked.

“I am to come to the Underworld and steal Cerberus.” He looked over at Hades, nodding to the god on his throne. “This last task was the one that confirmed to me Hera is controlling Eurystheus. I could not steal from you, Lord Hades. I thought it wiser to ask for your kindness.”

Hades pointed at Kore. “Ask her then, boy. Not me. Cerberus guards her dreams at night, but if she will part with him, then I will allow you to take the beast.”

Kore didn’t know if she wanted to let Cerberus go. He was an unusually good dog and a wonderful bedtime companion. But when she looked into Hades’ eyes, she realized the bed time companion from now on might be her husband.

Looking back to Heracles, she nodded firmly. “On one condition. No harm will come to Cerberus, Heracles, and he will return within one month.”

Heracles nodded. “You have my word.”

“Not a single scratch.” Kore glared at him with fire burning behind her eyes. “If I find a single hair missing, I will fill your lungs with thorns.” The sharp edges between her fingers grew into long daggers. “Your bones will grow into roots that force your feet to remain where I place you. I can do a great many things to torture you, Heracles. And for a very long time. The Underworld will not welcome you until you have suffered for centuries.”

His eyes widened with every word. “I will not fail you, Queen of the Underworld.”

She licked her lips and decided that was good enough. Whistling sharply, she waited until Cerberus burst through the door. He snarled at Heracles, but stalked to sit at her side.

Passing a hand over his back, she ordered Cerberus, “Go with Heracles. Prove to this mortal king that a son of Zeus should be absolved of his past deeds. Once the king sees you, terrify him. Then return home to me.”

Cerberus wore a grin on all three of his heads.

She pointed to Heracles and the beast of the Underworld lumbered to the hero’s side.

“Thank you,” Heracles said one more time. “It’s an honor.”

“Yes, it is.”

She waited until he left before she grinned and asked, “So? How did I do?”

Chapter 28

“You were perfect,” he replied. Hades didn’t know how to

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