Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,65

you? No one is going to hurt you unless they want to suffer the wrath of the king.” He stuck out his tongue. “And trust me when I say no one wants to risk that.”

It was good enough for her. Kore darted away from his side and raced away.

She hadn’t realized exploring the Underworld would lead her to such beauty. Such... incredible sights. Unfortunately, she also didn’t realize there were people at the base of the tree.

Not until it was too late to avoid them.

Chapter 23

Kore stared up into the glowing branches and let out a happy sigh. She hadn’t realized just how much she missed plants. Sure, there were a few stragglers around the castle that she’d noticed. But cave dwelling plants weren’t the same as a tree like this.

She needed to feel the roots of a tree stretching deep into the ground. She needed to hear the deep groan of an ancient being who had been stretching out its limbs for centuries. And this tree was old.

Very, very old.

Clambering up and over the roots, she climbed into the tree’s waiting arms. She knew it wouldn’t mind. In her experience, trees appreciated it when people climbed them. It was a reminder they were useful. More than just growing until they touched the center of the earth.

She placed her hand on the bark of this one and she could feel how powerful this being was. The tree had pushed its roots all the way to Tartarus. The heat from the lava deep below gave it the ability to grow without sunlight. It was remarkable, but more than that, it was impossible.

Settling herself on a branch, she wiggled into the crook of a limb. The tree was ridiculously pleased at having someone touching it. Kore was ridiculously pleased to be in the arms of something green.

Placing her hand flat against the bark, she poured some of her magic into it. The leaves unfurled that were closest to her. The glow brightened until she had to look away. Perfect. Exactly how the tree was meant to be.

Kore leaned her head back against the trunk and felt the branches shift to cradle her. Finally. Finally, she had a moment to herself that was filled with peace.

“I don’t understand it,” a voice drifted up through the leaves. “A queen? Now? After all these years, he decided he needed to have a counterpart, and it makes little sense.”

She stilled. Were the people who worked in the Underworld talking about her? She couldn’t imagine what it was like for them. They hadn’t met her yet, and she’d been here for a month now. And she’d taken their king away from them. Hades hadn’t been focusing on his own work while guiding her around the afterlife.

“I agree!” Another voice joined the first, this one sharper and more angry. “After all this time. And what does she have that I don’t?”

Biting her lip, she pondered whether she should let them know she was in the tree or not. They were obviously talking about her, and they wouldn’t want her to hear what they were saying. A private conversation should remain private.

But they were talking about her. And Kore wanted to know what they were going to say next.

“You’re so much prettier than her,” the first voice assured. “I’m certain of it.”

“You haven’t even seen her.”

“Well, others have! I’ve heard what people said when they glimpsed her. She’s just a child, Minthe.”

Kore couldn’t help herself. She had to see who these people were that were so rude to their queen. She reached forward and shifted a few of the glowing leaves aside. At least the brightness would hide her from their eyes.

The two women were startling for a few reasons, but the main reason was that they were naiads. She’d grown up with women like them her entire life. One was shorter than the other, but no less stunning in her beauty. Dark hair and dark eyes made her blend into her surroundings easily. The curve of her waist was so tiny it made Kore feel self conscious.

The other nymph though, she was the one who caught her eye. This woman was hard edged where most nymphs were soft. Her sharp jaw could have cut like a knife, and the arch of her nose was so straight she wondered if it had been changed through magic. Her eyes were a vivid yellow that matched the nearly white blonde of her hair.

The blonde flipped her hair over her shoulder. Not

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