Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,3

“I thought my meeting with him would be private. The Olympians don’t like it when people gossip.”

Another lie. Kore knew for a fact the Olympians enjoyed it when anyone talked about them. They didn’t care what was said, they just wanted to be the center of attention. At least, that’s what Demeter always claimed.

Kore had only met the approved Olympians before, and they had all fit such a description.

She stepped in between the nymphs and her mother’s punishing gaze. “What did he have to say?”

“Nothing of importance.” Demeter waved a hand in the air like the question was foolish to even ask. “I’ll be gone for a few nights, however. I’ve been summoned to Olympus.”

Her heart leapt. Olympus.

The temple at the highest mountain in Greece was known to be beautiful. Blindingly beautiful to mortals, but she wasn’t one of them. She could go. Kore could feast her eyes on the beauty for herself, and then... what? She didn’t know.

Kore didn’t want to spend her life here in the mortal realm without at least seeing Olympus once.

She stepped close to her mother, reaching for Demeter’s hand. “Mother, could I go with you this time? To Olympus?”

“You know why I’ve never taken you with me.” Demeter frowned. “So no.”

“But Mother... Just this once?” Kore widened her eyes as big as they would go. Blinking innocently and hoping her ploy would work. “I won’t ever ask again!”

Demeter lifted a perfect brow. “We both know that’s not true. The less you know about Olympus, the less you’ll ask questions about them. You know the rules, Kore.”

She did know the rules. Don’t talk to any male Olympians who arrive to see Demeter. Be with the nymphs because they were the better creatures to trust. The only goddesses she ever had contact with were the virginal ones, and Kore was tired.

More than that, she was bored. So bored with this life and everything that came with it.

“Mother.” She tried to think of anything that would convince Demeter.

She could get angry. Kore’s tantrums were impressive and frightening, considering she’d inherited her mother’s ability to make plants grow. But that was the reaction of a child, and she refused to play into her mother’s game. No, she would react to this situation like an adult.

Or at least, like someone who knew they could win.

Kore straightened her shoulders and looked her mother in the eye. “Mother, I would like to go to Olympus. I will follow whatever rules you put in place, but I think it’s time for me to meet the rest of my family.”

She held her mother’s gaze even though her body wanted to quake. Demeter could try to scare her into submission, but she wouldn’t fall prey this time. She had to make her mother see just how serious she really was.

Cyane shivered at her side. The naiad should have run off with the others, so she wasn’t caught in the middle of this fight. They were sensitive creatures, and the slightest hint of Demeter’s wrath usually sent them into the thicket.

Demeter lifted both brows this time. But something changed in her expression. A softening that Kore knew was a good sign.

“Fine,” her mother sighed. “If you have to go to Olympus, then I suppose this is the time to do it.”

If shouting with joy wouldn’t ruin the moment, Kore would have. Instead, she bowed before her mother and pressed Demeter’s fingers to her lips. “Thank you, Mother. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

Demeter turned her hand over and cupped Kore’s chin. She tilted her head, forcing Kore to look her in the eyes. “You will follow every single one of my rules while you’re there. Do you hear me, daughter?”

“Anything,” she promised again. “You know I won’t get in trouble, Mother. I just want to see it. I won’t even talk to anyone if you don’t want me to.”

“Oh, they’ll all want to talk with you. And you won’t be rude.” Demeter released her chin. “Don’t make me regret this, daughter. Cyane, prepare her for Olympus. We leave when Helios takes the sun.”

Demeter disappeared, but Kore waited a few more moments. Sometimes her mother liked to spy after she left. She’d caught Kore’s complaining a few times.

When she was certain her mother wasn’t listening anymore, she turned to Cyane with an excited squeal. “Olympus!”

Cyane held out her hands with a bright laugh. “Olympus!”

She snatched her friend’s hands and together they jumped in a circle. Their pale peplos bounced around them, and

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