Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,107

she said.

“You look like you’ve already made yourself at home,” he replied with a wry grin.

It felt like she had. This place was the only area she wanted to be, and she’d seen a lot of the realms at this point in her life. The mortal realm couldn’t satisfy her. Olympus was far too fake.

“This is home,” she replied.

Persephone licked her lips, suddenly nervous he didn’t want her here. She had been gone for six whole months. And though they were married, a distance of that much time had changed many a mind before.

Hades’ expression softened, and he quietly said, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that?”

About as long as she’d been waiting to tell it to him. Persephone launched off the ground and threw herself into his arms. She pressed her lips against his, kissing him with all the pent up frustration and desire she’d had in her body since the moment she left this place.

He was her heart.

He was her soul.

And damned if she wouldn’t make use of every single moment in his arms.

Hades wrapped her close to his chest, devouring her mouth and pouring all his own worries into her. She could taste his hesitation when he’d seen her, bitter and aching. The bile of his fear that she might not want to return after spending too much time in the human realm. The sweet relief when he realized she had missed him just as much as he’d missed her.

Oh, how she loved this man. He was as much a part of her as the organ beating in her chest.

Persephone finally drew away to take a deep breath. “I love you,” she blurted.

His eyes widened, but a chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Yes, I know. You told me before you left, remember?”

“I did. But I didn’t say it the way I wanted to. You shouldn’t have been told in front of a hundred people while I was leaving. I should have told you the right way.”

It still plagued her, the way that had come out. She didn’t want him to think she’d only told him because of the imminent threat of leaving. As if she wanted to control him even when she was gone.

But she also wanted him to know. The words had been stuck in her throat for the longest time, as she waited for one of them to break down and say it. But she’d fallen in love with him in the gardens. The very first time she’d seen him was the first time she’d realized just how much he could change her. If she’d let that happen.

Sinking into his arms now, she was reminded how much she needed Hades in her life. How much it felt like she’d been missing a piece of herself until she stood in front of him and was whole again.

She pressed her face to the side of his neck and breathed in his sweet, rugged scent. “I just wanted to say it again. When only the two of us could hear, so you would know how true the words are.”

“I know they’re true.” He wrapped an arm securely around her waist and tugged her close. The iron band of his arm held her securely, strong and comforting. “I love you too, you know. More than words can say.”

“Good.” The last knot in her soul eased. “I’d have to waste a lot of energy convincing you otherwise.”

He chuckled. “Oh, convincing me?”

“Yes, I think you would have eventually seen how useful I am in your life.”

“Ah.” He shifted his hand, flattening his palm on her ribs, just over her heart. “I don’t believe much convincing would have been required, my dear. From the first moment I saw you, I knew you’d already planted seeds within my chest. I couldn’t get you out of my head. Still can’t.”

“Even after all this time?” She looked up at him, eyes wide and heart on her sleeve.

Her greatest fear was that the distance would eventually wear at them. They both knew this wasn’t just a one-time thing. Her mother required her to come home every six months and finding time with Hades in the mortal realm would be near to impossible. He was needed here, and trysts on Mount Olympus weren’t the same as truly seeing each other.

Hades lifted a hand and brushed her hair behind her ear. He tucked the strand gently, following its path and smoothing his fingers over the curl. “Time is nothing in comparison to

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