Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,84

wanted to cut loose, and you were just there to support her. I’ve been a wingman many a time. We do what we must.”

Relief coursed through her. Each time she was with him, he captured more and more of her heart. He was a man she could really lean on, who was confident in them both not to play silly games. “I’m glad you understand. I told Daisy we were together, but I think I caught her by surprise.”

“I’m sure you did.” He paused, tapping his finger against the steering wheel. “How did she react?”

The thought of Daisy’s disbelief and laughter bothered her, but there was no way she was sharing that with Gabe. “Fine.”

He shot her a look and shook his head. “Why do I get the impression you’re not telling me the whole story?”

She scrambled to cover. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a man. Daisy’s not used to it, so she was just a little wary, that’s all.”

“Well, as your friend, she should be. I’m okay with that, Bella. It’s just . . .” He trailed off.


“I just want to be sure you’re still excited about us. That you actually want to tell your friends and family.” He paused, and the brief silence around them felt like the deep hush before a storm. “That you just don’t want this to be about sex.”

Shock ripped through her, but she had no time to answer.

Zoe stirred in the back seat and gave a tiny whine. “Mama?”

She twisted around to see her blinking sleepily, looking around in the car. “Yes, baby, we’re home. Let’s get you inside and to bed.”

They went inside, and she got her daughter settled. When she came back down, Gabe was waiting in the living room. “She okay?”

“Went straight to sleep.”


He slowly walked over to her, stopping an inch away. He wore jeans and a green fleece shirt that made his shoulders seem even broader. Hips cocked, feet braced apart, his gaze raked over her body with a hunger that lashed out at her and made every nerve in her body stretch and tighten. The spicy masculine smell of him wrapped around her in pure seduction. Her nipples tightened, and she grew wet between her thighs. In that moment, she realized he held a sensual power over her that made her crave him—his touch, taste, scent. It was as if her body was starved for contact.

“How do you feel about me staying tonight?”

She trembled and took a step forward so they were pressed chest to chest, in full body contact. “I’d like that.”

His gaze darkened. His thumb traced the line of her lips, stretching out the delicious anticipation, until she was crazed to feel his mouth over hers. “Do you know I want you all the time? I’ve never been addicted to a drug before, but now I know how it feels. I go to sleep with your taste lingering on my tongue.” His lips drifted over her cheek.

She grasped his shoulders and hung on.

“I remember the sting of your nails in my back when you come. The way your eyes go wide and heavy when you’re aroused, like right now.” His erection notched between her thighs, and he slid his hands down to cup her buttocks, lifting up and grinding against her.

Her head spun.

“But most of all, it’s your laugh—that husky, sexy sound you make when I amuse you. I could spend the rest of my life trying to make you smile and laugh, sweetheart. But I’ll take whatever you give me—that’s how badly I crave you. If it’s only sex, I’ll make damn sure I keep you begging for more, until I convince you we can be so much more.” His lips nipped at her jaw, and then his mouth was on hers.

He kissed her hard and deep, his tongue thrusting inside and taking full control. She clung to him and gave it all back, desperate to be skin to skin. He lifted her high, and she wrapped her legs tightly around him. He took her straight to the bedroom, closed and locked the door, then undressed her slowly.

“You can’t make a sound,” he whispered in her ear, his hands all over her body, tugging at her nipples, stroking her belly, thrusting inside her channel until she writhed and moaned and begged.

Greedy for all of him, she hooked her ankle around his and flipped him, sprawling over his naked body with pure satisfaction. “That’s right,” she said in a low, teasing

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