Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,100

hurt along the way froze her in place. Every decision she made affected both of them. What if the gossip about Gabe didn’t stop, and Zoe took the brunt?

Her phone buzzed. Daisy’s number flashed on the screen, and she picked it up. “Hey, how are you?”

“Good. Guess what?”


“I have a date!” Daisy screeched. “With the guy from the bar. We’re going to dinner Friday night.”

She grinned, her mood lightening for her friend. “That’s great! Do you need me to watch Meg?”

“Nope, already taken care of. My dad wants to take her for a sleepover, so he’s picking her up after school. I’m so excited, Bella. I need to go out and get new underwear and Spanx.”

She laughed. “Planning on getting to third base already?” she teased.

“Not sure, but if all goes well, some heavy petting is definitely on the schedule. I’ll see you at the Lobster House beforehand, right?”

“Oh no, is the kickoff tomorrow?” she asked. It had become tradition to gather for a massive cocktail hour when the weather began getting nice. Most of the town had made it an annual event; everyone would stop by for drinks and to officially close the end of winter. She’d totally forgotten about it.

“Yes, and don’t even think of getting out of it. I need you for moral support before my date.”

“Okay, I’ll be there. Zoe has a pizza party, so I can swing by and pick her up afterward.”

“Perfect. How’s everything going? Still hot and heavy with Gabe?”

She hesitated. She hadn’t confronted her friend since the PTO disaster, and after her discussion with Gabe, she’d decided to keep things quiet until she made a decision. “We’re sorting some things out,” she said carefully. “But I’m okay.”

Her friend sighed. “Oh, Bella, I hope he didn’t screw with you ’cause I’ll kill him myself. Was it the Devon thing?”

She jerked as if slapped. “No, that was all false. Is everyone still talking about it?”

“Kind of. I wasn’t sure what to believe, though. Listen, I gotta get back to work, but I’ll call you tonight so we can talk. I’m here for you.”

“Thanks.” She hung up with heavy trepidation. Her love life was being talked about and dissected by everyone, and she hated it. Would it always be like this? And if so, was she strong enough not to care in order to have Gabe?

She pushed the questions out of her mind and focused on work. Jessica, the receptionist, seemed to be overwhelmed today, juggling nonstop ringing phones and enough walk-ins to throw her usual organization off-kilter. Bella popped her head out. “Jess, did you eat yet?”

The young redhead shook her head. “No time. Man, that article really pumped up business!”

She laughed. “It’s a good and bad thing. You’re doing great—why don’t you put the voice mail on and head out? I’ll be here if any emergencies pop up.”

She gave a relieved sigh. “Thanks, Bella, I just need some fresh air.”

“Shoo, I got this.”

The girl grabbed her purse, jumped up, and took a few steps when the phone began shrieking.

“Go,” Bella said with a wave.

The door slammed.

She grinned and scooped up the phone. “Sunshine Bridal.”

A cultured feminine voice came on the line. “Can I speak with Gabe Garcia, please?”

“I’m sorry, he’s not here. Can I take a message?”

“Yes, thank you. This is Melody at Endless Vows Bridal calling to check in. We had an interview with him last Wednesday and wanted to touch base. We’re hoping he’s decided to take the position.”

Ice trickled down her spine. She tried desperately to sound calm and professional. “Of course. Let me take your number, and I’ll have him get right back to you.”

“Wonderful. And you can tell him not to worry about references at this point.”

“I’ll do that.”

She jotted down Melody’s name and number, her fingers trembling around the pencil. When she hung up, her entire body locked up, as if trying to defend against an intruder. All her secret fears and suspicions burst forth in a tsunami of emotion.

He was going to leave.

Just like she’d always believed.

She stumbled back into the conference room, the receptionist desk forgotten. Wringing her fingers, she wondered if Avery suspected or if anyone knew. Had he told Carter or Pierce? Had he been planning to look for another job the whole time, or had she pushed him away?

He’d promised to give her time. Promised he cared about her and Zoe and had no intention of leaving. God, what if she’d taken too long to make her decision, and he figured he’d

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