Tempt Me (Tattoos and Temptation #1) - Mia Monroe Page 0,46

or excessive things. Sometimes I will spend it on you because it makes me happy. Do you know though, my Apollo, I would give it all away tomorrow if I had to choose you or it? I would rather live in poverty with you than like a king without you.”

His features soften as he smiles. “Thank you, Felix. I didn’t mean to get weird about it. I just want you to be happy. I want to be a source of that happiness for you.”

“You must believe you are the torch that keeps it lit.”

“I do. Let’s go see this place.”

“Yes.” I turn back to the woman. “Can we see one of the furnished ones please?”

She looks surprised. “You are aware of the monthly rent?”

“I can read, yes. Can we see it?”

“Yes, of course. We do have two months’ rent as a deposit and there are qualifying financial criteria.”

This woman does not think I can afford it. I offer a curt nod. “I will pay upfront.”

Her eyes widen. “I’m sorry?”

“If I like the apartment, I will pay the six months upfront. You accept wired funds, yes?”

“Um, yes, we do. I’ll get my keys.”

“Thank you.”

As she walks away, Apollo is shaking his head. “She didn’t think you could afford it.”

"No, clearly she did not.”

“I kind of don’t want her to get credit for signing you up.”

I pat his chest. “Let us see if we like it first.”

The woman, whose name is Dana, leads us to the elevators and takes us up to the tenth floor. We step out onto marble floors and walk down a small corridor. She opens the door for me, and Apollo and I step inside. It’s stunning. Floor to ceiling windows reveal a view of the ocean. The space is decorated in a contemporary design in whites and grays. It’s beautiful, but it’s also…

“What do you think, sir?” Dana asks.

“It’s very nice.” I walk around the space for a few minutes, trying to imagine myself in it as I open closets and cabinets. I wouldn’t have to buy anything. It has it all, down to the dishes. Something just feels off about it.

“Babe?” Apollo asks, standing behind me in the massive master-closet. “What do you think?”

I squeeze my eyes shut. I wish you would tell me right now that you’re in love with me and ask me to move in as a lover.

“It’s nice,” I whisper.


“I want to think about it.”

“Yeah, okay. It’s a big decision.”


We leave the apartment and head back to Apollo’s place. I’m lost in my thoughts. A furnished apartment is ideal for the short term. It would give me time to figure things out with Apollo. It is a lot of money to spend though. I’m sure there are less expensive furnished apartments in the city, but then I might have to get a car. I shudder. Driving is not a joy.

Back at Apollo’s, we cuddle on the couch, neither of us saying much. Finally, I break the silence.

“Today was nice. The guys are great.”

“Yeah, they are. I knew you’d like them, and vice versa.” He kisses the top of my head. “What do you want to do now?”

I think shifting the mood is in order. “How about we go take a nap?”

“I’m not tired.”

I smile. “Neither am I.”

“Nice. Let’s go.”

Apollo takes my hand and leads me down the hall to his bedroom. A feeling strikes me, one I’m not sure how to define. I sit on the edge of the bed, trying to find words for it.

“What’s wrong?” Apollo asks as he pulls his shirt over his head.

“Nothing actually. I was just…” Suddenly, the answer comes to me. It’s what I was feeling at the apartment earlier. It didn’t feel like a place I would live. It felt like a museum. This place…I drag my hand over the worn comforter. It smells like Apollo. The idea of not being here with him tugs at my chest.

“You look sad,” he says, sitting next to me.

“I’m not. I’m happy I’m here with you. So happy.” I smile. “Kiss me?”


Apollo pushes me back on the bed, kissing me roughly as he tugs at my jeans. It’s time for me to take over. I push him off, taking a minute to get my clothes off.

“Did you like tasting my cock last night?”

Apollo nods with a smirk on his lips. “Sure did. Can I do it again?”

“By all means. I do not wish to deny you. On your knees, amour.”

Apollo slides off the bed and onto his knees,

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