Tempt Me - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,6

them now. Cole didn’t care.

The line shifted forward and Mara waited until they’d settled again before she whispered, “Would you keep your voice down?”

“If you don’t want people to stare, then stop talking to me about this,” he replied. “We can discuss it later or not at all.”

He stared down at her, at that icy beauty and realized...he felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. He couldn’t even remember when that had started, but it wasn’t a new thing, this apathy. Shit, this was sad. Abruptly, the anger drained away and he just felt tired. Damn tired. But one thing was clear...he didn’t need a few days away to decide what he needed, what he didn’t need, what he wanted, what he didn’t want.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked away. “Mara, we need to talk, but now isn’t the time. Let’s just try to relax and enjoy the night, okay?”

“Enjoy it?” A smile curled her lips, but there was nothing pleasant about it. “This isn’t about enjoying ourselves, baby. It’s about getting what I want. We’ll enjoy ourselves later.”

She slid him a coy look that left him unmoved. Blowing out a breath, he focused on the line as it shifted closer to the shop. This must be one hell of a party, considering how many people are here, he mused.

“It’s one hell of a party,” Lacey said, smiling at her best friend in the mirror as Rocki checked her reflection one last time.

It was almost nine. Almost time for her to make her appearance.

Lush & Lace shared a wall with the restaurant next door, and in the back, in an area that was generally for “employees only” on Rocki’s side, there was a door that connected the two businesses. For the yearly benefit, those two double doors were open wide and people flowed back and forth, checking out Rocki’s merchandise, nibbling at the finger foods, helping themselves to the cash bar.

By the time the auction started at ten, both bachelors and bachelorettes would be feeling mighty fine and ready to bid. Rocki was heading the event as she always did, but she still wanted to look good. After all, her store’s merchandise was being displayed here. And on her...

Smoothing a hand down the front of her red corset, she turned to make sure the laces in the back were smooth and even. Bare skin showed underneath, gleaming pale against the garnet red satin. Satisfied with the way the back looked, Rocki turned around and studied the front. The garter straps, each set with a rose the same color as her corset, held up the floor-length satin skirt to just a little above mid-thigh, displaying her legs, encased in black silk stockings.

She was objective enough to admit she looked good. Taking the black top hat, Rocki set it on top of her head, adjusting the angle. Five more seconds—she gave herself five more seconds to hesitate, to be alone with her thoughts.

Five more seconds to think about the fact that another one of those odd cards had arrived, with another picture of her—this one of her inside the store, taken through the window. There hadn’t been anything on the back, again. But it still disturbed her. And she couldn’t ignore it if any more came. She was probably being careless to ignore them this long. Brant had enough friends on the force that she knew—she could get in touch with one of them. Show them the pictures...maybe even somebody would remember. She could talk to Lacey’s brother. She knew Clayton would take her seriously.

Okay, five seconds gone. Worry about it after.

Rocki blew out a breath. “Okay. Let’s go blow people out of the water,” she said, smiling at Lacey in the reflection.

“Can’t you at least try to help me find her?” Mara demanded as he swirled his wine around and stared off into the crowd.

“Find who?” Cole asked, even though he knew exactly who she was talking about.

“The designer, damn it. You know who.” She blew out a breath. “I’ve asked like five people and they just say ‘she’s around’ or ‘she’s busy’ and nobody will point her out. Maybe they’ll talk to you.”

“You think?” He studied her disgruntled expression. “Not likely. You see, I’m not going to ask.”

She gaped at him. “Why not? Don’t you realize how important this is?”

“No. Because you can get another designer.”

“I don’t want another one.” Flags of color rode high on her cheeks, her hands closing into tight fists. “Damn it, Cole, I can’t believe how

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