Tempt Me - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,3

else, I need to get back to work.”

“Well, I do have one matter of business.” Mara smiled. “Your supplier. After all, as you say, we have two totally different customer bases. I doubt those who shop at my store would ever find what they need here. Since we’ve got different customer bases, is there any harm is letting me have the name of your supplier?”

“Hmm. Well, you see...” Rocki smirked inwardly. “My supplier is a private individual who hand selects who she works with. If you wish to leave your card, I’ll get the info to her. Beyond that...I’m not handing out her information. She likes her privacy.”

Rocki glanced back at Cole, who’d remained silent through the exchange. Damn. He sure as hell was pretty.

Too bad he was attached to that bitch.

Chapter Two

Grace was going to be a beautiful bride. Rocki had to blink back tears as she stepped away to let the woman study the corset she’d wear under her wedding dress. “Sweetie, he’s going to swallow his tongue when he sees you.” Then she grinned. “Well, let’s hope not. We want him using that later.”

Grace laughed. “Rocki, you’re bad.”

“I know. It’s a gift.” She checked the laces. “How does it feel?”

Grace nodded. “Fine.”

“Don’t go crash-dieting between now and then. If you lose a lot of weight, the dress won’t fit, the corset won’t fit, and it’s not good for you anyway.” She smiled at the other woman. “You don’t want to pass out when you walk down the aisle.”

Grace grimaced. “I’m not going to. Mom keeps telling me I should try to lose another twenty pounds. But he fell in love with me, not my waistline, right?”

“Good girl.” The last thing Grace needed to do was worry about her weight right now. She wasn’t society’s version of slim, not at a size sixteen, but then again, neither was Rocki. But neither of them was society’s version of unhealthy, either. They knew each other from the YMCA, where they both ran and lifted weights. Rocki did Taekwondo, Grace did yoga, and they were both in better shape physically than they’d been in high school. They might not fit society’s version of perfect, but they sure as hell weren’t couch potatoes, either.

The bell rang out in the shop. “I need to get out there. Want to leave it on and see what you think?”

“I can’t.” Grace sighed. “I need to get to work soon, and I still need to go by the post office.”

Rocki quickly unlaced her and then slipped out into the shop. She had to grit her teeth when she saw Mara there, chatting up three other women. Lacey, Rocki’s best friend, was one of them. It had been a week since Mara had first shown up in the store, but she wasn’t done trying to get the information she’d come looking for, it seemed.

“You should check out Divine,” Mara said, smiling at the women. “It’s a more specialized shop, catering to the modern young woman, and you’ll find everything you need.”

Lacey stroked a finger down a silk brocade corset and laughed. “Everything? Do you have corsets by Lush? I’m rather fond of her stuff.”

Rocki grimaced. Damn it, Lacey, keep quiet.

“I’m working on that as we speak.”

“Are you? Hmm. Well, there’s a benefit here every year. Lush always makes an appearance.”

Oh, shit. Rocki strode into the shop, glaring at Lacey. Lacey gave her an innocent smile, batting her lashes. “Heya, Rock. You got my stuff ready?”

“You bet.” Then she looked at one of the other woman. “Hi, Bella.”

“Hi, Rocki. This is my friend, Lindsey. She just got engaged.”

“Congratulations.” Rocki smiled at her.

“Thank you.” Lindsey glanced at Bella and then back at Rocki. “I saw the corset that had been designed for Bella’s wedding. I think I’d like one similar to that. I just came by to talk about setting up an appointment?”

“No need for one.” Rocki gestured to the sitting area near the corner. “We’ll have a seat over there.” As Lindsey started over, Rocki looked back at Mara. “Was there something else you needed, Ms. O’Keily?”

“No...nothing at all.” She gave Rocki a sharp-edged smile and then swept out of the shop. Rocki noticed that she was alone and wondered where Mr. Gorgeous was. But she quickly pushed the idea out of her head. She needed to get to work.

Three days later, buried under an avalanche of paperwork, Rocki grimaced as she checked the cost of the upcoming masquerade party she’d be hosting for Valentine’s Day. It was

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