Tempt Me - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,23

with Cole.

“The cops showed up while he was still trying to get my clothes off,” she said, needing to get the words out. “He took off running when he heard the sirens, and I woke up with my shirt ripped open, my jeans unzipped. I hadn’t been awake, but I swear, I could feel his hands all over me.”

She swallowed and then looked up at him. Cole lifted a hand, brushed her hair back from her face, then stroked his thumb over her lip. “Then what? You knew who it was, right?”

“Yeah.” She looked away. “But I wouldn’t press charges. Not then. The notes started coming next. Then the flowers. Then he started calling and I knew I had to do something, or he might try to kill me next time. I warned him that I’d press charges if he kept it up. He just laughed, said I hadn’t done it before, I wouldn’t this time.”

“So did you?”

“I went to the police station. Filled out the report, did everything I was supposed to...and the officer in charge was an ass. Told me they couldn’t promise they’d get results. I’d need to be careful of my whereabouts. And maybe I should dress differently.” She made a face. “I had on a fucking T-shirt and jeans. Damn, I was furious. I stormed out of there, so mad I could barely see...and crashed right into Brant.”

“Brant. Your husband.”

“Yeah. Although, not then.” Absently, she plucked at a loose thread on his sweater, then let her hand fall to his thigh. When the muscles under her hand bunched, she felt a blush settle low her breasts. But she didn’t move her hand. “Brant...ah, well, he was a gentleman, through and through. Saw that I was upset. Asked around. Had another officer take the report again. Then he walked me to my car.”

“But that wasn’t it.”

“No.” She smiled. “A few days later he showed up at the theater and asked me how I felt about dating cops, mentioned he’d almost taken my case himself but that wouldn’t have been right...because he had every intention of asking me out. We were married within six months.”

“One of those love-at-first-sight stories.”

“Pretty close.” She lowered her gaze, staring at her hand. The muscles under it were still tense. She really should move. But she couldn’t. Just couldn’t.

“What happened with the ex?”

“I chickened out. Couldn’t press charges. A few more cards came. Two more calls. Then they stopped.” She closed her eyes. “I won’t ever know, but I suspect Brant paid him a visit...scared the shit out of him. Dwayne never was good at standing up to anybody who proved they could dish it back.”

“Possible ethical issue there.” His hand rested low on her spine.

She shivered as his fingers grazed the scant bit of flesh left bare on her back by the corset.

“Abuse of power...hell, I might have bought him a drink.” Cole rubbed his cheek against her hair. “You should have pressed charges, though. Bastards like that never stop until you make them.”

“I know. Now, I could. Then, it was a different story.” She sighed. “It may or may not be him now. I just don’t know. The cards started a few weeks ago. I’ve gotten four—they aren’t the same. It’s just pictures of me, no notes or anything. The flowers today...that was a first.”

“If it is him...?”

“If it is, if it isn’t, no matter...once they have a name, anything I can go to court with, I’ll press charges.” She stared down, not seeing anything. “I won’t be that victim again. Not again.”

He nuzzled her temple. “I’m sorry. Nobody’s got the right to do this to another person.”

“No. And I won’t let it happen to me again.” She blew out a breath. Closed her eyes. Then she smiled. “It feels good to get that out, you know. Not too many people know.”

He remained silent, his hand stroking her back. Rocki stared at her hand on his thigh and tried to tell herself she needed to just finish up her meal. Have him take her home. They could set up their real date and then see what happened.

Except she couldn’t think about anything but the feel of his hand on her back, of his thigh under her hand. His warmth. The way his mouth pressed against her brow.

“Cole?” She tipped her head back, studying him. “You know, I should probably just get this out. It’s been a while since I’ve dated and all. But I don’t sleep with men on the

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