Tempt Me - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,20

your mind to wander. But I need you think, to focus.”

He slid a look toward Cole. The way he was sitting, it wasn’t very likely Cole would have noticed, but Rocki saw it. “I’ve got a few more questions to ask you. Would you like for me to do it privately?”

Way to be subtle, she thought tiredly. But she just shook her head. She’d already decided she’d tell Cole. Why? She wasn’t sure. But she just felt like she should. She felt like he needed to know—like she should tell him. “Just go ahead and ask.” She looked at Cole, their gazes connecting. If he didn’t feel casual about her, then he needed to be aware she came with a bit of baggage, she figured. If he couldn’t deal with that, then better she know early, right? “I plan on telling Cole later on, anyway.”

Clayton stilled.

She looked at him, saw the way his eyes narrowed, the way his mouth tightened. “Is that so? Things that serious with you two already?”

In her peripheral vision, she saw Cole push of the wall. Quietly, she said, “That’s not exactly your concern, is it, Clayton? You’re my friend. That doesn’t give you license to inquire about my personal life.” She glanced at Cole and then away. “Come on. Whatever you need to ask, get it done.”

“Shit, Rocki.” Clayton grunted and shoved a hand through his hair. “Fine.” He shoved off the desk and started to pace. “How likely is it that this is connected to...before?”


Terror hit her. Images flickered through her mind. Hands hard and cruel. A low, ugly whisper...She swallowed the bile churning its way up her throat and blinked away the dots trying to crowd in on her vision. No, damn it—you’re not controlling me like this, bastard. Not now. Not again—

Taking a deep, slow breath, she closed her eyes. She wasn’t helpless. She hadn’t been then, she wasn’t now. Closing her hands into fists, she opened them, flexed her fingers. Breathe, Rocki...breathe ...

As the black dots faded away, she looked at Clayton. “Honestly, I don’t know. It’s been years. Eleven years. You know that. Would he still be out there, trying to freak me out?”

“He had an obsession for you. You tell me.”

Rocki shuddered. “Hell. I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

Clayton nodded. “Okay. Well, he’s going to be the first person I check out.” He sighed. “Go on. Get out of here. Get some rest.” Then he added, “And damn it, be careful. Anything else happens, I want to know. Immediately.”

Chapter Six

The walk to his car was quiet. Snow came down around them in a gentle, steady fall. Already their tracks from just a short while ago were nearly covered. Rocki grimaced and kicked at the ground.

“I’m getting tired of snow.”

Cole muttered, “Me, too.” He glanced over at Rocki, felt his heart stutter at the sight of her. There were snowflakes in her hair. She had her head tipped back, and even though she was scowling, there was a smile on her lips. “You know, for somebody who claims to be tired of it, you aren’t in any rush to get out of the snow.”

Rocki sighed. “Well, maybe I’m tired of it in theory. Maybe only partially tired. But there’s something peaceful about it, too. I could use some peace right now.”

“You’re safe, you know.” He brushed her hair back from her face. He meant to push it back behind her ear. Really. But he found himself rubbing the dark, thick lock between his thumb and forefinger. Tearing his gaze from her hair, he looked into her dark eyes and said, “You can relax.”

She scowled. “I don’t think I remember how.”

“Try.” He forced himself to let go of her hair. “Come on. It’s cold. We can enjoy the peace from inside the car, too.”

Moments later, they were doing just that. As the car took to the roads, Cole glanced over at Rocki, saw that she was staring out at the falling snow, still smiling.

“I moved to Asheville from Florida when I was in high school,” she said, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye and. “Never got to see snow until then. I always used to dream about a white Christmas. Every now and then, I can actually have one. Mom used to complain about it, telling Dad they should have picked a different spot in North Carolina. She hated the snow. I don’t always mind it, I guess.”

Her smile.

Damn it, what was it about that smile

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