Tempt Me - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,17


Lacey lounged on the couch in the dressing area, munching on Cheetos. Her left eyebrow, pierced through with a silver hoop, winged up. “Darling, what I think is that I was mishearing things. You told me on the phone last night that this date was just going to be nice and casual, yet here you are wearing the prototype piece you spent months working on.” She popped a finger in her mouth to lick off the crumbs and then added, “And damn if you don’t look hotter than hell. If I was into girls, I’d do you.”

Rocki snorted. “You are such a brat. By the way, you get crumbs on that couch, I’m beating you.” She sighed and looked back at her reflection. “Damn it, I’m changing.”

“No.” Lacey remained sprawled on the couch. “You’re not. Leave it alone already, you look amazing.”

Rocki groaned and looked at her reflection. The new piece wasn’t exactly a typical corset. It had the basic look of a Victorian corset with the longer rounded bottom, but she’d raised the neckline and straps to it, and to the straps, she’d designed it so she could add or remove sleeves. So many of the corsets she designed couldn’t exactly be worn on their own in the winter without a jacket over it or a blouse under it, but this one could. She fingered the necklace she’d added. It was dark metal, looked like tarnished silver, but wasn’t. It was the only jewelry she wore. She’d taken her wedding ring off and locked it away in her safe. She didn’t always wear it, and she needed to stop—she sure as hell couldn’t wear it on a date.

She ran a hand through her hair and swore. “Damn it, I’m primping. That’s it—I’m changing.”


She made a face at Lacey. “Am, too.”

“If you do, I’m wiping Cheetos all over your couch,” Lacey said, smirking. “And I won’t clean it up. I’ll just sashay right out of here, and you’ll have to clean it before it stains.”

“You would not.” She turned around and glared at her friend. “And who the hell uses the word sashay?”

“Wellllll...I just did.” Lacey gave her an innocent smile and reached into the bag for another handful of the messy, cheesy snacks. She popped them into her mouth and then waggled her orange fingers at Rocki. “Change.”

Rocki groaned and covered her face with her hands. She wanted to think her friend was just bluffing. But Lacey wasn’t exactly big on that. Hell, the wench had hauled her on the fucking stage at the auction. Bluffers didn’t do that sort of thing. “I’m going to get you back for this,” she warned. Then she turned back around and studied her reflection once more. Rocki didn’t bluff, either. “Just wait.”

Lacey sighed. “I know. But it’s for a good cause.”

Out in the shop, the bell chimed.

“Well, at least you’ve got a customer to distract you,” Lacey said cheerfully, licking the cheese off her fingers. “And if you’re distracted, the couch is safe from me. For now.”

“You’re so mature.” As she passed by, she kicked Lacey’s ankle.


“Tramp.” On her way out in the shop, Rocki was grinning.

The smile faded as she heard the bell of her shop and she looked to the door, saw it swinging shut. Damn it ...

Automatically, she looked around, wondering if she’d let somebody steal from her. Normally, she didn’t leave the store front unattended, but she’d been so busy worrying about that nice, friendly date...

Her gaze landed on the white box sitting in front of the door.

It was long and white, the type of box roses come in. She knew because Brant had loved to send her flowers. Her heart jumped into her throat. Somehow, she didn’t think it was from Cole. Rocki rushed to the front of the store and shoved the door open, moving onto the sidewalk. But it was too late. She saw nothing but the typical foot traffic common on a Friday evening.

Retreating back into the store, she stepped carefully over the box and stood there, staring at it, arms crossed over her midsection.

“Hey, I’m going to...”

As Lacey’s voice trailed away, Rocki looked up.

Lacey frowned, staring at the box. She knew Rocki too well to assume the box held anything good. “I assume you don’t think those are flowers ,” Lacey said quietly.

“No.” She nudged it with her toe.

Lacey nodded. “Okay. Is there a reason why?”

Rocki stared at Lacey. Lacey knew. She knew all about what had happened years earlier. Swallowing, she edged

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