Tempt Me - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,10

that. Words can’t express it. But my way of expressing my gratitude is through this...by honoring the memory of Brant, and the other men and women like him who have fallen. The Survivor’s Fund is a charity that helps the families of officers who’ve died or been injured in the line of duty. They provide a network for grief counseling, for financial support, so many needed things. Tonight’s benefit is for that very worthy charity. I thank all of you for being willing to help out.”

She nodded and then stepped away from the stage.

As she disappeared through a small door, Cole found himself staring after her, his heart breaking over the pain he’d heard in her voice.

Don’t grieve for too long, Lush…

She could still hear his voice.

“How long is too long, Brant?” she whispered, resting one hand on her belly and staring into nothingness while she waited for the ache in her chest to fade. Although it wasn’t just that she was grieving for him, specifically. She missed him. She was lonely. Nobody else had ever filled that empty ache in her heart.

Usually, she was okay. But on nights like tonight, that ache was more acute.

One of the chairpersons for the charity was out there speaking, wrapping things up. In a few more minutes, it would be time for her to go back out there and start the auction.

Then, later, she’d go home. Alone. She didn’t want to still be alone. She was so tired of being alone...

The door opened with a soft screech that had her jumping, clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle her shriek. Her heart raced and for a long, long moment, she forgot to breathe. It wasn’t until black dots danced in front of her eyes that she made herself suck in a desperate breath. She swayed a little and a pair of hands came around her waist, steadying her.

“Hey, are you okay?”

That voice—

Blinking, she found herself staring up at Mr. Gorgeous. Cole. Cole Stanton. Mara O’Keily’s fiancé. Automatically, she lifted her hands and rested them on his chest as she blinked the fog from her brain. “Ah...”

“Hey, you should sit down.”

“No.” She shook her head, feeling foolish. Easing back, she gave him a smile, one that she hoped was a little more certain than she felt. “I’m just a little off. Rough day.” Rough day, rough night, rough week. She hadn’t eaten anything after the mail had arrived that morning, either—she’d spotted that damn card right off the bat and it had killed her appetite. Considering she’d let herself drink a glass of champagne, and the lack of sleep lately...

“Do you have that thing laced too tight or what?”

Despite herself, Rocki laughed. “No. I promise you, I don’t.” Resting against the wall, she smiled at him. “It’s just been a rough day and I didn’t eat lunch. That, combined with champagne, and I’m a little punch drunk.”

Cole continued to eye her narrowly, like he didn’t entirely believe her explanation. But he did back up, giving her a few more inches. That let her breathe, which she desperately needed. If she kept smelling him on every breath, she didn’t know what she might do.

The air between them already felt a little too warm, a little too heavy.

But then that shifted, shattered as he looked away. “I...ah. I’m sorry about your husband. I didn’t realize...well, until tonight.”

“It’s okay.” She smiled sadly and reached up, tugging her hat off. “It’s been five years.”

“You look like the wounds are still fresh. You must have loved him a lot. You still wear his ring. I didn’t notice it before.”

Looking down, she rubbed a finger over the ring. “The wounds aren’t exactly fresh, no. But yes, I loved him with everything I had in me. As for the ring...I guess I’m just not ready to let him go yet. I don’t always wear it, but sometimes, yeah.”

“Would he want you to hold on this way?”

“No.” She tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear. Sighing, she studied him. “You know, this isn’t exactly something you have any business asking me.”

“You’re right. I just can’t help that I hate seeing you look so sad.” He hesitated and then asked, “Should I apologize?”

Rocki frowned. “No. I…geez, you make it too easy to talk to you.” He did—it was almost disturbing how easy it felt, talking to him just then. She didn’t even know him. She didn’t want to stop talking to him, though. Still staring at her wedding ring, she

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