The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,82

and head back home.

Molly’s words were on an endless loop in his head. “They said it was okay,” she’d told him. He had no idea if it was just her subconscious talking or not, but it meant everything to him.

Did children really see angels? Jason didn’t know, but it did make him wonder if Grace had a hand in helping him understand what was important in his own life, if she had a hand bringing him back together with Meg.

And thinking about his sister made him miss her even more, but he’d finally figured out that the best way to honor her memory was to live the kind of life she’d respect. It meant he had to stop being a self-centered ass and stop blaming every personal misstep on the fact that he worked too much. He’d told Meg he didn’t want a divorce, but now he had to make sure she knew he was in this. He wasn’t looking for a convenient wife or great sex, he wanted everything. Every up and down, every crisis, every triumph. He wanted children, their children, so Molly would have lots of little brothers and sisters to boss around.

But more than anything, he wanted Meg. She was his soul mate, his best friend, the one who knew him and loved him anyway, no matter what.

Jason didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her. He checked his cell and found the signal nonexistent, so he opened his laptop and figured he’d send her an e-mail and call tomorrow when he was in the middle of the city. He knew she’d check her phone a few times before she went to bed, so the message would get there.

But what did he want it to say?

I love you? I need you?

All Jason knew for sure was that life without Meg would be emptier, colder, and a lot less fun. He didn’t want to go back to who he was before they were married, and that meant he had to make sure Meg knew how he felt.

He was going to have to man up and admit every weakness, every vulnerability, and pray she was willing to be with him in spite of it all.


Meg settled herself into the desk chair in Jason’s office and turned on the computer. She keyed in the password he’d left her. There was something stupidly comforting about being in his space; using his computer meant he trusted her. He let her into his world.

The browser opened with a click, and she fiddled around on Facebook before she checked her e-mail and was relieved to see something from Jason. He’d warned her that his cell signal was spotty at his hotel and he might not be able to call, but as promised, he got a message to her.

His flight was long, and he was tired. And he missed them. Meg passed a hand over the screen and longed to have him home, longed to touch him.

Their bed would be cold tonight. Jason threw off the most amazing warmth, and Meg had grown accustomed to having his big body folded around hers. When he did that, peace settled over her and she found a sleep like she’d never known.

Meg couldn’t quite believe that after all this time, all the stops and starts, the mistakes of their youth, the drama, the loss and the incredible hurt, they had found their way here.

Her response was short because everything she wanted to say couldn’t fit in an e-mail.

Closing the browser, she saw there were files open in the tray along the bottom of the screen, and one had a very strange title. Poole termination.

Knowing she shouldn’t, Meg clicked on the document. Sure enough, Jason was composing Harper’s termination letter. Meg almost felt bad for Harper. She was in an impossible situation, wanting to be able to control Jason and his life, but not having the right to do so.

Jason could be flaky, there was no doubt, but when the chips were down, he got things done. Meg knew part of the firing was about her, even if it wasn’t stated outright, but that all stemmed back to Harper’s control issues. Meg was a variable in Jason’s life that Harper couldn’t control, which was why there were problems.

But did Harper deserve to be let go? Meg wasn’t so sure.

And that Meg was willing to give Harper the benefit of the doubt proved she was sure about Jason and his feelings. There was no insecurity, no doubt anymore. It Copyright 2016 - 2024