The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,79

going to take Molly to dance. I’ll pick up pizza on the way home. Is that okay?”

Jason nodded. “Perfect. Thanks.”

“Harper, will you still be here at dinnertime?” The sweetness was oozing out of her, and Jason had to stifle the laugh; Meg was really forcing it, but at the same time, he appreciated that she was trying to understand about his work.

“Uh, maybe. It depends.”

Meg smiled as she left the room, and for the first time since they got together, she seemed happy and confident. Maybe it was knowing he wanted her so much. Maybe it was the relief from the pressure of the custody battle. The adoption proceedings were moving along as planned, and in a few months there would be no question about where Molly lived. That’s when he knew they’d have to make decisions, and the way he felt today about her, he didn’t want her to leave. Ever. However, he was aware of the fact that there were ten thousand ways for him to screw this up. This wasn’t going to be easy, because Jason knew that even though Meg loved him, she’d be cautious. She had every right to be, and her mistrust of all things Campbell, her wariness about his lifestyle, might be enough for her to put on the brakes.

His phone rang. The caller ID told him it was the CEO of Greek Isles, and Jason expected, since it was eleven thirty at night in Crete, that he was pretty pissed off.

Time to face the music and maybe look into Meg’s idea that this could be an inside job. He didn’t care what kind of credentials people had. Just knowing how his family treated people made Jason believe people were capable of anything.

Chapter 19

Meg wanted nothing more than to spend some time alone with Jason. But by ten thirty, she’d cleaned up the kitchen, helped Molly with her homework, her bath, and her nighttime reading, and she was tired. But Harper was still in the house, and there was no sign that the security problem would be solved any time soon.

The last thing Meg had done before heading to bed was bring them each a steaming mug of coffee.

Now it was the middle of the night and she was lying awake, wondering what was going on downstairs. She hadn’t heard any voices in the last hour and she wondered if his promise this morning, of talking through what they were feeling, was what he really wanted to do or if it was just him coming out of a deep sleep.

Tossing back the covers, Meg intended to find out. She couldn’t keep living like this. Wondering what he felt, what he wanted, was driving her crazy.

Leaving her bedroom, she knew immediately he was still up. A light shone up from the stairway landing, and Jason was always flipping off switches when he came to bed. Heading downstairs, she didn’t know what she would find. Was Harper still there? Were they still doing damage control?

There was a dim light coming from the study, what she’d come to learn was the glow of all the monitors. It was a little eerie, but other than that, there wasn’t a sound.

She poked her head in and saw Jason sound asleep on the couch. He was on his back, one hand dragging on the floor clutching his headset, and there was no sign of Harper. But Jason looked absolutely wiped.

Padding across the room, Meg sat on the edge of the sofa and leaned in. He was so handsome that looking at him made her heart hurt. He had the same boyish qualities he’d had when he was younger—not much of a beard, and the shock of dark hair that wasn’t always easy to control hadn’t changed—but he wasn’t lean and wiry anymore; his body was all man, big, broad, and strong.

“Jason,” she whispered. “You need to come to bed.”

Meg stroked her hand over his face, and he turned into it. “Meg.” He opened his eyes and smiled. “God, I could wake up looking at you for the rest of my life. So beautiful.”

His hand came up and grasped hers, winding his fingers around and bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

“We should get you to bed.”

He sat up, and this time his fingers combed through Meg’s hair. “You were right about the hacker.”

“What? I was?”

“It was someone on the inside. He masked the pathway, but once we started looking we were able to pinpoint the source of the Copyright 2016 - 2024