The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,76

adamant that he wanted Meg in his bed.

And want her he did. Every night. And he found a way to convince her even when she was tired, but Meg was hardly complaining. The sex was incredible, and she was as insatiable as he was. Last night she’d been sound asleep when he came to bed. He spooned against her, and Meg felt him naked and hard against her back. She wiggled her bottom and welcomed him without a second thought. He slipped into her warmth, moving gently, and after they’d both come, he held her as they went to sleep.

It was gentle, loving, and perfect.

Their lovemaking had as many moods as they did. Sometimes it was hot, wild. Other times slow and romantic. And other times it was just fun, and they laughed and teased each other to distraction. The only thing Meg could want more was for her husband to be able to tell her he loved her as much as she loved him. For now, however, Meg had to be happy that he was showing it.

It took her a second to catch Harper going toward the back stairs. “Where are you going?”

“To get him. I need him.”

“Harper, he was up late. Can it wait?”

“Wait? No, it can’t fucking wait! Greek Isles Banking has had a security breach. Account numbers, balances, personal information, have all been compromised.”

Meg felt her mouth dry up. Reliance was never hacked. Security was never compromised. Jason made sure of this. It was the thing that drove him to exhaustion most of the time.

“Oh, shit,” she whispered. “I’ll get him.”

“Meg, this isn’t some game,” Harper snapped. “This is work. I should handle it.”

“Harper, I know it’s serious.”

“This isn’t the time for you to be jealous.” As soon as she said it, Harper stepped back and seemed to realize this is what had gotten her on Jason’s bad side. He and Meg kept no secrets, and where Harper was involved there was full disclosure.

Meg pushed past her and went upstairs, her mind spinning as she thought about what she’d say. This company was his life, something he built. What was she going to say? Kicking off her shoes at the top of the stairs, she walked down the hallway to their bedroom.

Cracking the door she saw Jason on his stomach, spread-eagle on the bed, snoring. The muscles of his bare back and arms rippled when he moved, and Meg had to pull herself back to the task at hand.

Tiptoeing into the room, she sat on the edge of the bed and reached out, touching his warm, smooth skin. She was rewarded with a snore that sounded like something out of Looney Tunes, all loud and gurgly. It was adorable and a little scary—just knowing she thought it was adorable told Meg how far gone she was over him.

“Jason?” She gave him a little push, and he snored again. “Jason? Harper’s here, she needs you for something.”

He opened one sleepy eye and grinned at her. “The hell with that. Get naked and get in here with me.”

His hand shot out, and with one quick movement he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down next to him. Damn.

“God, you’re hot,” he said, kissing her neck. “The things I want to do with you . . . I think we need more make-up sex.”

“No, because then we’d have to fight first and I don’t want to fight. And as far as what you want to do to me, make a list. You have to get up.” She could think of a few things to put on that list.

“I am up. Very up. I’ve been up for weeks. Whenever you’re around, I’m in agony.” He nipped at her neck again. “A list, huh?”

“Jason, stop.” Meg pushed off and rolled away from him. “Harper’s here and she needs to see you.”

“It’s seven in the morning. Why is she fucking here?”

“It’s important. A bank had a security breach.”

As quickly as he’d grabbed her, Jason was up, out of bed, and grabbing for a pair of jeans. Meg knew this was urgent, but she couldn’t resist propping herself up on the bed to enjoy the view.

“Details,” he said, pulling on his pants and quickly yanking a T-shirt over his head.

“Greek Isles Banking. Account numbers and personal information. Harper’s in the kitchen. Go to your office, I’ll bring breakfast.”

He hit the door at a run, but turned and came back to where Meg was still sitting on the bed. Her heart surged a little Copyright 2016 - 2024