The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,65

on her four-inch heels, she went to the dresser to dab on some perfume. Jason came up behind her and ran his hands over her bare shoulders and down her arms, locking eyes with her reflection in the mirror.

“I have no doubt you will be the most beautiful woman there tonight.” Leaning in, he kissed her neck, just below her ear, and Meg thought about the past week, when they kissed and touched each other whenever they got the chance. Molly caught them once and was totally disgusted. She made her objection known, complete with the requisite “ewww,” and nothing could have made Meg happier. She felt like a newlywed, stupidly in love and swamped with desire. Her body was a raw nerve ending when he touched her, and there was something in him, something that was telling her that he wanted this to work between them. He may have been hesitant or unsure, but he wanted it.

“Is the room comfortable for you?”

“Very, but . . .” She trailed off, wondering if she should be direct or more coy. She went for coy, since it had been working for her so far.

She looked at their reflection in the mirror; it was intimate. Now directly behind her, Jason’s arms moved around her middle and pulled her snugly against his body. His large hands opened and spread out on her belly, pressing her so close, she could feel his erection against the small of her back.

God, this was torture.

“Is there something you need?”

Meg decided against the coy games. For the first time in her life, she’d tell Jason exactly what she wanted. It wouldn’t be easy—there was risk involved even though they’d gotten closer. But Meg put her faith in him. “I need you. I don’t want us to have separate bedrooms anymore.”

“Really?” His eyes were on hers and he hadn’t moved a muscle. If he hated the idea, now would be the time to let go. He didn’t.

“Yes, but you have to promise me that you won’t give up on us.”

“I don’t want to.” He turned her in his arms, and Meg tilted her head to see him full-face. He was doing the same, examining her features, drawing in what he saw.

It didn’t take long for him to focus in on her mouth, and even less time for him to kiss her. His lips were sure and firm as they moved over hers, testing and teasing. But what she was most aware of were his hands. His hands, which were large, but gentle, made her feel safe. One was threaded through her hair, the other was resting on the small of her back, and Meg melted into him. Sheathed in the gauzy, sequined material, which flowed over her like water, she was completely aware of her body and how it was responding to him, how his touch, his kiss, made her burn. The guests coming, the benefit, nothing mattered as much as Jason and how she felt when he held her. In those moments, Meg drifted away and said a secret prayer that he could finally love her the way she loved him. The way she’d always loved him.

“God, I want to take you to bed right now, but people are going to be here soon.”

“We’ll have all night.” She stepped back from him, missing the warmth of his body, but if she didn’t right then, she wasn’t going to.

“And tomorrow. I have no intention of letting you out of bed tomorrow, either.”

Meg giggled. “So what do we have to do with the food?”

“Sample it. Make sure we approve what the caterer has prepared for the guests.” He smiled and then gave her a quick peck.

“What if we don’t like the food?”

“What?” She could see it was something he’d never considered.

“What if the food is awful?” she asked.

“I guess,” he said, “I’d have to run to the store and get chips and salsa.”

“You could really splurge and get some peanuts, too.”

Jason took her hand, and for the first time since they were married Meg felt like they were in this together. The whole better-or-worse thing made sense, and it wasn’t just the physical attraction, either. The way he held her hand, looked at her, talked to her—there was another force at work, and Meg had decided to believe in this man and in her feelings for him.

“There’s just one thing,” he said. “Harper called a little while ago.”

Meg felt a pinch behind her eyes at the mention of the Harpy. “Did Copyright 2016 - 2024