The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,53

for her, was all he thought about. Well, that and Meg. He thought about Meg all the time.

The other night, when she pushed him away, had driven home for Jason how much she mattered to him. And how much his happiness depended on her.

Jason picked up his glass and went to the kitchen, walking in just as Meg came through the back door. His muscles tensed as soon as he saw her face. She’d been crying.

“What happened?” He went to her immediately, taking her coat and bag, then guiding her to a chair at the table. Whatever it was, he would fix it. He had to fix it. She was still sniffling and looked wrecked. He had no clue what could have gotten her so upset. “Honey, please, tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m a horrible person.”

“No, no you aren’t. Who told you that?”

“I don’t deserve to be happy,” she cried. “I hurt Grant so badly.”

Grant. Her ex. If he caused her this kind of pain, Jason was going to cause him some pain of his own. Fucking bastard.

Wrapping his arms around her, Jason pulled her into his lap and held her. God, it felt good holding her. He hated how upset she was, but having her so close was one more reminder of how much this woman meant to him.

She was sobbing now, and he guessed this was weeks of guilt and fear and frustration all catching up with her. Not just this one incident, whatever it was. It was hard to hear, and he had to know what had happened to trigger it.

“Meg, what did he say to you? What’s upset you so much?”

“He told me . . . he told me . . . he loved me.”

Jason’s stomach flipped over. Holy shit.

“He said that to a married woman?”

Meg pulled back from his shoulder and grabbed a napkin to wipe her eyes. “Who are we kidding? This isn’t a marriage, this is an arrangement to keep Molly and her trust fund out of your parents’ hands.”

“We knew this going in.”

“I didn’t realize what was happening. I was so scared about losing Molly, I never realized that I’d feel like a caged animal. That I’d alienate the people close to me. That I would hurt someone.”

“I’m not following.”

“I thought, maybe, there’d be something between us. Even a friendship would be okay, but for the last few weeks, since we got home, you’ve been ignoring me. You talk to Nate and Owen or to Harper, and after what happened the other night I’m guessing you’re back to screwing her, too, but I don’t exist in your world.”

“Whoa. Hold on. Why would you think I’m sleeping with Harper?”

Meg shrugged. “Aren’t you? The two of you have obviously slept together before. Then the fact that she goes everywhere with you, even parties and dinners, and you leave me home.”

Damn, he thought. How did she know? “We’re not now and we won’t be. And I’m sorry if I gave you that impression. Try to calm down and tell me exactly what has you so upset.”

“I feel so alone, Jason. I’m in this by myself.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Right.” Meg stood and let out a watery laugh. “I lost my boyfriend, who was one of my best friends, and who I really cared about. My friends are trying to be supportive, but they don’t feel comfortable around me anymore because they don’t understand what happened. Even my own family treats me differently. You still have your same core group of people; I don’t have anyone.”

Jason had no idea she felt so cut off, so isolated. Her emotions were churning, intense, and he had no response because he’d been keeping his distance as well.

“This is your house,” she continued. “The furniture, whatever’s here is yours. I lost everything—my home, my friends, my independence—everything. I don’t go out anywhere except school because I’m watching Molly. I’m stuck here while you work till all hours or entertain clients. What Grant told me today just drove it all home. I’m never going to have the marriage I dreamed of, and I may never have children of my own.” Tears flooded her eyes again when she mentioned children, and she rubbed her hand across her chest like she was trying to ease her aching heart. Meg turned her back to him and stared out the kitchen window into their backyard. “It’s hard to look at the life you lost. You don’t have to do that. You didn’t lose anything.”

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