The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,49

go. Not completely.

“She does. Maybe you should stick around sometime to see it.”

“Meg . . .”

She checked to make sure Molly was out of earshot. “You don’t even know her, Jason. You want to ignore me, fine. But don’t ignore the child who is going to be your daughter.”

He said nothing, but hung his head.

“Enjoy your party.” Meg grabbed Molly’s towel and left him standing there. He didn’t deserve any more of her time.


Jason stood at the bar, watching the people go by. He’d just been hit on for the third time that night, and he wondered why he wasn’t flattered like he used to be. All three women were stunning and rich and offering their bodies like commodities. He just wasn’t interested.

Nate came up next to him and ordered them both a Scotch. “Where’s Meg?”

“Home.” And she shouldn’t be, he thought. She should be here, on my arm, turning the heads of every man in the place. He was an asshole for not bringing her. Three people, all guys in charge of big money someplace, had asked where she was, said that they’d love to meet the woman who pinned him down. And Jason realized that despite what Harper said, Meg would charm these men with her killer bod and thousand-watt smile. She’d do it when she asked about their businesses or their families or jumped in on a conversation about the new point guard on the Knicks. She’d have them eating out of her hand, and then he’d get a slap on the back as they moved on. They’d wonder why they didn’t marry real girls instead of the refined socialites many of them ended up with.

“I’m an idiot,” he said to Nate.

“We’re aware of that. Owen and I have wondered, from time to time, if you were dropped on your head as a child.”

Jason chuckled lightly. “It wouldn’t surprise me. I should have brought her. She’d have made this night so much more interesting.”

“Who?” Both Nate and Jason turned when Harper’s voice cracked the air. “You don’t mean Meg, do you? She’d be totally unprepared for something like this. Have you seen the people here? It’s like having New York royalty in the house.”

“I think she would have done fine.” He looked at Harper’s dress; it was elegant. It was also boring. Harper was boring. “She’s smart, funny, and personable. People would love her.”

“They don’t want personable here. They want dignified.” Harper walked right to him.

“I don’t believe that.”

“Jason, be reasonable. She’s not made for something like this. Hell, she’s not made for your life. My God, she’s a freaking teacher!”

The comment burned him for two reasons. First, he’d heard the words be reasonable come from his own mouth and thought of how condescending he must have sounded. Second, he hated how Harper disparaged Meg’s career. Teaching wasn’t for him, and he knew no one was going to get rich being a teacher, but he respected Meg’s commitment to her students and her craft. She was doing something valuable, and it was only when he saw the hours she put in, the emotional energy she gave to her work, that he understood it was so much more than a job. Unfortunately, he realized he’d never told her that.

Sick of it, he grabbed Harper by the arm and moved her quickly out of the main reception room. He dropped his hand when they were clear. “You listen to me. I’m not going to let you talk shit about her anymore. You need to learn some respect for the woman I’m married to.”

“Jesus, what’s gotten into you?” Harper snarled, folding her arms. “Did you get laid and now you feel guilty because you didn’t buy her dinner or something?”

Who the hell was this person? “One more word, Harper, and I cut you a severance package.”

That made his assistant freeze. “You don’t mean that. You need me.”

“I don’t need anyone that much. You’re dispensable. Don’t forget it.”

Before Harper could say a word, Jason headed toward the door. He was done here. Done with the bullshit, done with the games.

He was going home.


The house was dark when his driver pulled through the gate, except for a light upstairs in Meg’s room. Once Jason walked inside, he could see the glow from the kitchen, so that’s where he headed. The house had become a comfort to him over the last few weeks, and the warmth of the place Meg had helped design and decorate made it easy to come home to. As Copyright 2016 - 2024