The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,39

four. Her name tag said Jilly.

Meg looked at the menu and smiled up at Jilly. “I’d love a burger. Medium, with cheese, bacon, mayo, and onion. Extra fries and a chocolate milk shake.”

“Good for you, honey,” Jilly said. “Most women tourists who come in here order salads and eat like birds.”

“Not me,” Meg said. “I like food too much.”

The waitress laughed, and Meg continued to chat her up. “How did you know we were tourists?”

“Well,” Jilly said, “I know a lot of people since I’ve been working here for forty years, and the way you’re taking everything in, you’re definitely tourists. Where are you staying?”

Meg grinned at Jason, and he answered. “Our boat is docked at the marina. We’re here for the day and heading to the Cape tomorrow.”

“Yeah? Did you get a good look at the yacht that came in last night? She’s one of the biggest we’ve seen in a long time. Eddie, he works down at the dock, he said it’s some oil tycoon who owns her. Said he’s here with his mistress.”

Jason was never surprised at the stories people made up, but Meg couldn’t contain her amusement. She cocked a brow in his direction. “His mistress, eh?”

“Yeah, you know the type. Young, blond, fancy. Someone saw her on the deck this morning. A real looker, apparently.”

“No sign of the tycoon?” Meg asked, barely controlling herself.

“Nah, no one caught sight of the old guy.”

Jason shook his head and put his menu down, subtly letting Jilly know he was ready to order. Once the waitress left the table, Meg burst into giggles.

“Well, at least I’m a looker. You’re just some old guy.”

“She must have been talking to Nate and Owen. They always call me the old man.”

Meg pushed her hair behind her ear. “That’s because you’re too serious. You always have been.”

“No. I can have fun, but . . .” He hesitated because he hated the thought of appearing weak, but this was Meg; she didn’t judge. She never had. “Growing up in my house kind of sucked the fun out of most things.”

“I can understand that. You did have a good time today, though, right?” she asked. “I did.”

He warmed from the inside out and reached across the table and took her hand. It was small and soft and fit into his perfectly.

Meg laced her fingers with his and gave a little squeeze, letting her eyes meet his. The smile never left her face. It brightened her, and he was glad to see it had returned.


Meg walked hand in hand with her husband after they returned the bike to the shop where Jason had rented it. The day had been perfect, and while Meg missed Molly terribly, she didn’t want to go back to civilization. She wanted to curl up next to Jason and enjoy the cool breezes and the quiet. It was rare that she experience quiet anymore, but here she was able to focus on her thoughts, not the noise that tended to drown them out.

When they got to the short gangway that led onto the boat, Meg gasped when Jason didn’t hesitate and lifted her into his arms. “You still haven’t gotten those walking lessons.”

Meg looped her arms around his neck, loving how secure she felt with him, but not missing an opportunity to tease him.

“You’re pretty strong for a senior citizen.”

He chuckled. “I stay in shape. You know, for my young girlfriend.”

Meg giggled. “Those younger women are insatiable, I hear.”

Jason stopped when they stepped on the deck, and Meg was done debating with herself and with him. She wanted to make love with him. Consequences be damned. This was her honeymoon, and she wanted to sleep with her husband.

Meg touched her lips to the corner of his mouth and breathed out, letting the air circle around him while she absorbed his scent. Lightly brushing her lips across his jaw, she felt Jason hold her closer. “Meg, what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to seduce you.” Her tongue flicked his earlobe and he sucked in a breath. “How am I doing?”

“Great,” he ground out.

“Yeah?” She kissed his neck, feeling his body tense, knowing she was driving him crazy.

“Have you thought this through? Are you sure?” They were standing on the deck with the breeze snapping away at the flag on the mast overhead. Gulls circled, and the sounds of the town faded away until it was just the two of them.

Jason forced her to look at him, and his blue eyes just swallowed her. She Copyright 2016 - 2024