The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,37

would cheer her up.

Then he saw her walk down the gangway, looking cuter than should be legal, her blond locks pulled back into a ponytail, wearing a pair of khaki capris with a long-sleeve navy blue T-shirt. It was preppy and conservative and completely at odds with the woman he knew lived in that body.

She glided toward him all curvy and pretty, looking like she belonged back in a designer gown, dripping with diamonds. Then the toe of her sneaker caught and she pitched forward, landing neatly in his arms.

So much for keeping his hands off of her. Meg looked over the top of her sunglasses and bit those luscious lips, and if Jason didn’t start thinking about main servers and syslogs, he’d lose control completely. Just looking at this woman, he was dead in the water. Jesus Christ.

“Sorry,” she laughed, straightening. “I told you the shoes wouldn’t matter.”

Jason looked at her feet and smiled. She was wearing basic white Nikes, not a stiletto in sight, and she still almost face-planted.

“You need walking lessons.”

“Sure you want me to ride a bike? I might hurt someone.”

He took her elbow and moved along the pier. “You won’t hurt anyone, because I’m driving.”

“Excuse me?”

He pointed to their means of transportation for the day. A tandem bike.

Meg stopped. “Good grief. You really are a control freak.”

“No,” he said. “But I do fear for your life. You’re my responsibility now, so hop on and don’t forget your helmet.”

“I’m responsible for myself.” She folded her arms and tossed her head back. The stubbornness was so her, and he’d expected it. “I’m getting my own bike.”

Meg stormed off and headed down the dock toward the bike rental shack. Jason leaned against a pylon. He could have gone after her, but she needed to do this herself. Fine, she’d figure it out soon enough. All he wanted to do was make things easier for her. But no, everything was a federal case, an issue about her independence. Meg needed to face it—they’d both lost their independence the minute his parents decided to go after Molly.

Jason looked around, checked his watch, and almost looked in the water, wondering if Meg had tripped and fallen into the bay. Finally, he saw her dragging her ass back up the pier. No bike in sight. Ha!

“Where’s your bike?”

“Shut up.”

“Shut up?” He followed her to a bench where she plopped down and folded her arms. “Is that any way to talk to your new husband?” Jason reached for her hand, but she yanked it away. “No bikes left?” he asked.

“No. But you knew that. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Would you have believed me?”

Meg leaned her head back on the bench and sighed. Not fighting back was her way of conceding the argument. Jason decided not to press his luck any further and let it all go.

“It’s so pretty here,” she said.

“It is. Want to take a ride and check things out?”

“Okay, but it’s going to make me crazy that I can’t steer.”

He smiled and stood, taking her hand, and loving the feel of her soft skin, as he led her to the tandem bike. Meg, being Meg, was still sulking because she’d been called on her bullshit.

He plopped her helmet on her head, and while she strapped hers on, he did the same for his own. Still, she wasn’t talking. Damn, the woman was stubborn. So freaking stubborn. But it was good. Every time he pissed her off, he saw her spirit, her fire, and he liked that. He liked that she could give him a fight.

“What would you like to do, head to the beach, see the town, shop?”

“Let’s head toward town,” she said. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out from there.”

“Okay. Ready?” He was set on his seat, and she was balancing as best she could. Not delaying, Jason pushed off, and Meg picked up her feet and squealed.

“You could warn me, you know!”

“I did. Don’t be a baby.”

“Oh, God. Jeez! Ahhhh.”

“Calm down! The bike is wobbling.”

“Turn, turn! Oh, my God. We almost hit that old woman. Did you see that old woman? With the cane?”

How did he get himself into this? They should have been having a nice enjoyable bike ride, but no, Meg was a crazy person. She screamed again, right in his ear, and he was convinced she wouldn’t survive the afternoon.

Because it was quite possible he was going to kill her.

“Jason! Jason! OH MY GOD!”

“Would you stop it!” Jason steadied the bike once again and maneuvered them Copyright 2016 - 2024