The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,3

but recently their relationship was starting to progress to a not-so-casual place. She liked him, but it was still too soon to think about marriage.

“What am I going to do, Carly?”

Meg wiped at her eyes, but the tears kept coming and coming. Her sister’s arm stayed securely around her, but there was little anyone could do to console her. Caroline had offered up her savings, but she needed more than money. However absurd it might be for her to admit, she needed the security of a home and family for Molly. Only then might a judge look favorably on her retaining custody.

Thank God Molly was sleeping better, because the last thing she needed was to see her Aunt Meg so upset. The little girl had been through so much, and Meg had spent the better part of the last eight months seeing Molly through her loss. Settling her into her new home, her new school, and a new routine had been tough enough, but helping her through the grief was heartrending.

The nightmares had been the worst. For three solid months she had woken up screaming for Mommy and Daddy, and there was no consoling her. However, the past few months had been better, and while Molly still had dreams about her parents, the terror was gone.

In helping Molly, Meg healed also. She came to accept the loss of the woman who had been a sister of the heart since they were only eight years old. For twenty-two years they’d shared everything, and now Meg had the most precious thing in Grace’s life, but she didn’t have Grace.

Moving through the grieving process was different when you were helping someone else through it, too.

“Meg, you know we’ll all do what we can. Mom, Kevin, and I will help you through this.”

Meg nodded. She was thankful she had her family. Her brother played professional baseball and lived across the country, but she knew when he heard about this he’d be back here with a Louisville Slugger in hand to crack heads. He’d also be the one she’d ask to hire a lawyer.

But none of this solved the problem she had with her life. She was a teacher who didn’t make the kind of money she needed to fight the Campbells and their lawyers, and she wasn’t married, something that was going to be a factor in any argument in court. If she’d been related to the Campbells it might be different, but she wasn’t. Things hadn’t changed. She was still the house manager’s daughter, nothing more.

Mr. Campbell had once said that Meg should “learn her place.” Yeah, nothing had changed. That family was still trying to put her in her place.

Chapter 2

Meg curled into the corner of her couch and sipped the hot chocolate her sister made before she left. It was a comfort to have had someone else in the house. Someone to talk to. They’d watched some ridiculous reality TV and shared some gossip. It was a perfect way to get her mind off her problems. But now that Caroline had gone, Meg couldn’t stop thinking about Molly and the Campbells.

What was she going to do? How was she going to fight them?

Meg looked toward the front window and noticed headlights shining in the driveway. “What now?” It couldn’t be another round of legal papers so soon, could it?

She saw the shadow of a tall man walking toward the front door and up the steps. And when she flicked on the front porch light, her stomach dropped.

Through the window she saw the marine blue eyes of Jason Campbell staring back at her. Meg turned away and pressed her back into the door, feeling the burn in her stomach creep up into her throat. Oh. My. God. Jason? Why was he here? Grace said he and his parents didn’t speak. Could he really have taken their side in this nightmare?

This wasn’t fair. She could have handled another lawyer, but not Jason. Why was it that just when she was starting to relax a little, even if it was for just a few minutes, something forced her to face that she might lose Molly? And now she had to face the guy she never quite forgot.

The one who had crushed her.

Meg steadied herself and grasped the doorknob. She could do this. She just had to stay calm. Not let him affect her.


Taking a deep breath, she yanked open the door and exhaled just as quickly. Her reaction to Jason was the same as Copyright 2016 - 2024