The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,27

how she would be provided for. He made no mistake with regard to that.

But with each other, they were all over the place. He wanted her, she knew he did. He kissed her like he did, touched, responded to her like he did, and Meg wanted him just as badly. She’d never stopped wanting him, and every man in her life had always had to measure up to Jason.

No one ever did.


Jason sat at the kitchen table in the new house with Owen, Nate, and Harper, hashing out the new sales proposal over takeout Thai and some great local beer. It was a free-for-all kind of exchange and a part of the way they did business that he loved. There was a hierarchy to the company, but they all took ownership of its success.

He’d spent the first part of the day in meetings at the office in the city, and when they decided they needed to sit down and figure out this problem, they came to the house because no one would look for them there. It was perfect, and with his office just down the hall, they had all the access they needed and none of the interruptions.

Having pretty much wrapped up the proposal, they were shooting the breeze about Owen’s latest high-octane vacation and Harper’s plan to visit friends in Italy over the winter. Jason usually went to the islands in the winter. He’d find some company and take his boat and cruise someplace warm and tropical, spend a few weeks in the sun. That wasn’t going to happen this year. He’d mentioned it to Meg and was informed they were locked into school holidays. Getting off from work for a short honeymoon had been enough of a challenge for her. She wasn’t going to take any additional days, and Meg felt strongly that Molly shouldn’t be pulled out of school for vacations.

Even though he thought there was no reason for her to keep working, she wasn’t quitting her job. She could stay home and be a full-time mom, but when he suggested it, she squashed the idea immediately. She said she couldn’t risk giving up the only security she had left.

Which pissed him off. The whole point of getting married was so she and Molly would be secure. Once the divorce happened, Meg would be set for life. She’d be a millionaire in her own right, and he was going to leave her with this house, which she could sell or keep, whatever she wanted.

But Meg was all about taking care of herself.

The group was loud for four people, with one person talking over the other, disagreeing or agreeing about one thing or another. The discussion between Harper and Owen about the Yankees’ playoff chances was so loud, no one realized they had company until Hurricane Molly burst into the room. She had a bag in her hand, and when she saw she couldn’t get to him quick and easy because he was on the far side of the table, Molly dropped to the floor and crawled under, popping up and climbing into his lap.

She could have gone around, but the kid was direct and never wasted a step. She gave him a big smacking kiss on the cheek, and he felt a smile creep across his face. “Hey there, cutie,” he said. “Have a good day?”

“Yup, and you should see all Aunt Meg’s presents. The teachers had a party for her.”

“A party?” Jason looked up and saw Meg and Jill enter the kitchen, hauling bags and boxes.

He grabbed Molly by the waist and stood, lifting her as he went. When he came around the table, he set his niece on the floor and saw Harper’s scowl.

“Hey, I didn’t know you’d be here.” He walked to Meg and kissed her on the cheek partly for appearance, but partly because he wanted to. He liked kissing her.

“I figured I’d drop this stuff off.” Meg surveyed the table full of people, and when her eyes landed on Harper, the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. They’d never met face-to-face. “I didn’t realize you’d be here. Sorry if we interrupted.”

“You didn’t; we were done and grabbed dinner. Want some? It’s Thai.” Jason looked around her and smiled. “How are you, Jill? Hungry?”

“No, thanks,” her friend said. “Meg, I’m going to take off. I’ll see you tomorrow, or call me if you need to, you know, talk.” Jill gave Harper a death stare, hugged Meg and Molly, and left.

Jason leaned Copyright 2016 - 2024