The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,25

hoarse, strained because he still wanted her, but he had to go. “It’s late, and I don’t want to wake Molly.”

Confusion, resentment . . . There were a few other emotions he saw cross her face, but the one that tore at him most was the sadness. That was his doing.

Wasn’t he just a prince?

Chapter 7

Meg smiled as she surveyed the mess of gifts littering the faculty room tables. She had the best friends. Jill and Charlotte planned a beautiful bridal shower, and every teacher in the school had been there.

Even the men.

Even Grant.

Meg picked up some of the paper and put it in the trash, then admired the silly hat bouquet made with a paper plate and all the bows and ribbons. Everyone was so nice, but more than once she’d heard, “I didn’t know what to get you; you’re marrying a billionaire.”

And that pretty much summed up how people saw it. Jason was a billionaire—a famous heartthrob of a billionaire whose engagement warranted coverage everywhere from Forbes to People magazine—and Meg was the lucky schoolteacher he was marrying. The girl who hit the husband lottery. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel very lucky. She felt like a phony who was taking advantage of everyone’s generosity.

Jill came in the room with some big shopping bags to help Meg pack up her presents.

“You got such nice things!”

“Everyone was very generous. I appreciate it.”

“You don’t look so happy, pal. What’s up? Cold feet?”

“A little, I guess.” Meg nodded. “I mean, it did happen fast, and everyone is so taken with the idea of my marrying him, you know. Like he’s the prince and he’s saving me. It’s not what I’m used to.”

“Isn’t that what’s happening, though? Isn’t he saving you?”

Meg’s mouth went dry. Her stomach sank as she thought about the kind of response she could give without completely lying to her friend. How had Jill come to this conclusion? How did she know?

“What . . . what makes you think he’s saving me?” Meg sat because the sudden wobble in her knees made standing in heels almost impossible. “Why would I need saving?”

“It took me a bit to figure out. I mean, on the surface, it was perfect. You and him, former sweethearts, consoling each other after Grace’s death . . . It all made sense.”

“So why are you questioning it?” Why is she questioning it?

“Because of the timing. It all came about right after the Campbells petitioned for custody.” Jill sat in the chair on Meg’s right and broke a piece off a black and white cookie. “You were a wreck about it, and within a week, you not only have the money to fight them, you’ve taken away their main arguments. You now have a husband and Molly is with family. Amazing.”

Shit. Why did she have such smart friends? She really needed to find some dumb ones. “I hadn’t thought about it, but that is coincidental.”

“I call bullshit, Meg. This is a setup to keep the Campbells from challenging the will and getting their paws on Molly. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s pretty drastic.”

She couldn’t say anything. She’d lied to her family, she’d lied to everyone, but Jill was dead on. Meg had sworn to keep this secret. She had to. If they were found out, they’d lose Molly with no chance of getting her back.

But when Meg looked up and saw Jill’s eyes, she knew she couldn’t lie. Without a word, she gave a single nod.

“Oh, Meg,” Jill said. “Was there no other way?”

“I don’t think so. I tried to think of alternatives, but he posed the only option that would keep them from taking her.”

“So you’re going to be stuck in a loveless marriage?”

“Not stuck. It’s only for a year or so.”

Jill froze with a piece of the black and white cookie touching her lips. “What’s to stop the Campbells from reinitiating the suit after you split up?”

“We’re adopting Molly. I won’t just be her guardian. Neither will Jason. We’ll be her parents.”

Jill leaned back in the chair and considered her. “That’s brilliant. Was that Jason’s big idea?”

“Yup. We signed a prenup and a prearranged custody agreement. Once we get through the adoption, and after a reasonable time, we can call it quits and we won’t have to worry about anyone trying to take her from us.”

“So it protects the spirit of the will and Molly and—”

“All I have to do is give up my life.”

“Aww, honey. You are too good for the rest of us, Copyright 2016 - 2024