The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,16

found himself lost in the suppleness of her body and mouth. He pulled her closer, loving how she fit against him, loving the feel of her curves under his hands, loving her sweet taste.

Heaven. Jason had gone to heaven.

When Meg finally pulled away, she glanced over his shoulder toward the house. What was that all about?

“That should have everyone talking.” Meg licked her lips and grasped his hand. “Your wicked aunt Nancy was at the window.”

A chuckle escaped, and he had to love that she was willing to stir the pot. Aunt Nancy was a meaner version of his mother and deserved to be called wicked, if not a lot more. She’d never married, lived off his family’s money and fake lawsuits she’d drummed up, and was as nasty as a rabid dog.

Jason thought she might just need to get laid, but he couldn’t imagine any man being that desperate.

But Meg was smiling. She was going to be okay, at least for tonight. He knew the stress would get to her, that she might break at points, but she wasn’t going to show any weakness here.

And neither was he.


The maid, Carla, who had been with the family for twenty-five years, opened the door and shook her head. “You sure you want to go in there?”

“No choice. Have to introduce my bride-to-be.”

Tears welled up immediately in Carla’s eyes. She’d watched Meg and Jason go from childhood friends to lovers and had been there when the Rossis left the estate.

She grabbed Meg’s left hand and examined the ring, smiling at her and slapping Jason on the arm. “It’s about time you grew a pair.”

That shocked Meg a little. Jason and Grace were the favorite Campbells, and Josh as well, until he turned into an asshole while he was at Yale. The staff was very loyal to the kids, protecting them from a lot of their parents’ crappy behavior. She remembered more than once when her own mother had to take the kids trick-or-treating or help with school projects. She never expected to hear anyone say a harsh word to any of them.

Meg imagined Jason, Grace, and Josh’s upbringing forced all three of them to become self-sufficient, but it also left holes in their childhood. Fortunately, people like Carla, the handyman, Larry, and sometimes Meg’s parents had filled in where they could.

Jason took her hand. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Meg rubbed a hand across her stomach, trying to quell the nerves.

“If you’re going to be sick, aim toward my mother’s shoes. They probably cost a fortune.”

She giggled as he dragged her down the long hallway to the family room. Meg figured she’d have to deal with his mother, father, and wicked aunt Mary, but she wasn’t expecting his brother, Josh. The eldest Campbell sibling was a year older than Jason, better looking, if it was possible, and possessed ten times the arrogance.

“Well, look who decided to stop by. Slumming, son?” his father said.

Outright rudeness from the start was something even Meg didn’t expect. Of course, considering that the last time she was in Will Campbell’s presence she was branded a gold-digging slut, nothing should surprise her. Unlike the last time, however, his barb didn’t upset her. Instead, she felt ready for whatever he planned to dish out. Because this time, Jason was standing close by, holding her hand, and rather than crumbling beneath his father’s disdain, as she once had, she found herself feeling amused by his hostility.

“What brings you both here? Especially you, Megan?” His mother was polite, as always, but there was haughtiness dripping from every word. “Is Molly with you?”

“It’s just us, we’re here with news,” Jason said. “We’re getting married.”

“Excuse me?” His mother raised an eyebrow. “Married?”

Josh stood and walked around them, circling, before heading to the bar in the corner of the room. Meg thought she’d be nervous, but she found herself starting to enjoy the game, and leaned into Jason. His warmth seeped inside her as his arm slipped around her waist.

“Married, huh?” Josh said. “That’s interesting.”

“We’re happy.” Jason eyed his brother, and Meg heard the caution in his voice. So far things had been pretty much as she expected. The family was about as warm as a school of barracudas, and she knew that the worst was still to come.

“Are you pregnant?” his mother asked.

“No,” Meg said, smiling sweetly at Jason for good measure. “Not yet.”

“Okay, then why are you marrying her?” His father’s question took Meg a little off guard. Was there no other reason Copyright 2016 - 2024