Tell Me You're Mine (The British Billionaires #1) - J. S. Scott Page 0,8

really, how could there be anything sexy about a man who wants to play me like I’m an idiot?

The bastard could just use the in-flight entertainment system if he wanted some kind of distraction to pass the time on this ridiculously long flight.

Gorgeous or not, this man was trouble, and I needed to just stop holding a conversation with him. Period.

I felt his body shift, and I peeked sideways as he stood up to take off his suit jacket to hand it to the flight attendant to hang up in a closet.

Sweet Jesus!

I hated myself for feeling breathless because he was so incredibly tall, bulky, and built like a Greek god. Broad shoulders tapered down to a very fit waist. I was almost certain that he had some mouthwatering six-pack abs underneath the expensive linen of his stark-white dress shirt.

Put your tongue back in your mouth, Nicole! He might be physically stunning, but he’s also a crazy man, and not in a good way.

I forced my eyes away from the Adonis, disgusted with myself as my hands fumbled with my seat belt to get it fastened. The huge jet had started moving, but I’d been too caught up in lust to notice that immediately.

I kept my eyes glued to the window as we prepared to lift off.

Once the plane was in the air, I could pull out my laptop and try to get some work done. It would be as if the smoldering-hot man beside me didn’t even exist. Once I was buried in work, I could block out everything.

I felt his movement as he took his seat again. I heard him fasten his seat belt as he said, “We do have twelve hours for me to get the information out of you.”

His highhanded tone set my teeth on edge, and it pissed me off that he hadn’t just kept that gorgeous mouth closed. “I don’t like to talk when I’m traveling. I have work to do.”

He let out a long, masculine sigh. “As a matter of fact, I have a rather large amount of work to accomplish myself. But I’m afraid that my laptop isn’t as intriguing as you are right now. Care to satisfy my curiosity so I can concentrate on my own work?”

“No,” I answered sharply. I decided to keep things simple. “I’m tired. My business in London was a failure, and I’d prefer a silent plane ride back home to contemplate my utter humiliation, if you don’t mind.”

I had no idea why I’d decided to tell him that my London venture had been a gigantic fail. Maybe I was hoping it would make him mind his own business.

“You know you want to talk about it,” he said persuasively—in that damnably sexy British accent. “I’m a stranger, right? You’ll never see me again. Why not vent to somebody you don’t know, and will never see again?”

Ugh! Didn’t this guy have an Off switch attached to those sensual lips of his? “Has it occurred to you at all that maybe I just don’t like you? You were reading my text messages, for God’s sake. It’s nearly impossible to like or confide in a disturbed individual who does something like that.”

I hoped that comment would offend him just a little, that he’d…Just. Stop. Talking.

Oddly, I seemed to have absolutely no filter when it came to my frustrating seatmate. Usually, I could ignore what was going on around me, especially when I was working, but I couldn’t seem to keep my own mouth shut at the moment.

When I heard a low rumble of laughter next to me, it was pretty annoying to admit to myself that my tactic to silence him had been completely unsuccessful.

Hadn’t he just said he almost always got what he wanted?

The obnoxious man obviously wasn’t going to give me the peace I now craved until he was satisfied.

I sighed. He was right about one thing. Underneath my anger, I really did want to vent about what happened at Lancaster International because I wanted to make sense out of why a perfectly intelligent woman had managed to screw up a presentation that meant so much.

I just didn’t want to do it with a guy who got a kick out of using me as a source of entertainment.

Maybe, if he was a decent guy, I would have spilled my guts to Mr. Orgasm. The fact that I’d never see him again made the prospect pretty damn tempting.

If only he wasn’t the most annoying guy I’d ever met.



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