Tell Me You're Mine (The British Billionaires #1) - J. S. Scott Page 0,73

“And how in the hell is it that you’ve never had a man bury his face into that delicious pussy of yours?”

He kissed my forehead and stroked a comforting hand up and down my back. I felt so damn vulnerable, so completely destroyed that I needed his reassurance.

“You know damn well I could never fake that,” I said, my pulse still racing, my breathing short and shallow. “And no man has ever wanted to bury his face between my legs. They like their blowjobs, but aren’t eager to reciprocate.”

He sent me a devilish smile that nearly curled my toes. “There’s fantastic pleasure in making a woman come,” he answered. “I get off on it. But this was better than any of those fantasies. You have no idea what it feels like for me to hear you screaming my name when you’re about to come. Nothing like it. I’d happily stay planted there any time you let me.”

Let him?

Like I was going to stop him?

“I felt like I was coming apart,” I shared with him. “It was kind of…scary.”

He toyed with a lock of my still-somewhat-wet hair. “I promised I’d be right there to catch you when you fell. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

His tone was earnest, and my heart ached because he wasn’t afraid to make himself vulnerable to make me feel better. Damian wanted me to know that he was experiencing the same raw defenselessness that I was going through right now.

When I’d dropped all of my defenses, I’d felt it, and I still wasn’t completely comfortable in my unprotected state.

We were probably both scared of this kind of intimacy.

It was too powerful.

Yet, neither one of us could shy away from it anymore.

My sense that Damian belonged to me, with me, was so natural that I couldn’t possibly ignore it.

I wasn’t going anywhere, either, because this man was worth the discomfort it was going to take to get used to the way he wanted me.

“Did you really get off to fantasies of giving me oral sex?” I asked curiously as my heart rate started to return to normal.

He frowned. “All the fucking time, sweetheart, but it didn’t really take the edge off. And I have a pretty good imagination. I wanted it to be real way too much.”

I stroked over the stubble of whiskers on his jawline, my mind trying to drum up an image of Damian leaning against the wall of a shower, his body wet and tight, his hand stroking up and down that gloriously aroused cock I’d barely seen before he’d gone down on me. The vision was so erotic that I had to block it out before it really began. “You’re such an amazing man,” I whispered.

He grinned. “What? Because I do what any other guy would do to expel unrequited lust?”

I shook my head. “No, although that is a tantalizing visual. And you know the lust was never unrequited.”

There were dozens of reasons why Damian was so special, but he obviously didn’t see them.

“I’ve thought about you getting yourself off, too,” he said huskily. “But it didn’t work. A woman like you should never, ever have to come alone, so I keep sending myself into that particular fantasy.”

I finally smiled. “Touching myself was the only way I could ever have an orgasm, so it isn’t all that bad. I guess I know what I want.”

Strangely, I wasn’t embarrassed in the least to discuss my masturbation habits with Damian. Maybe because he could talk about sex without an ounce of mortification himself.

Like it was natural, normal, a part of everyday life.

Thinking about it, sex was part of being a healthy adult.

I’d just never had a guy who could discuss it with so much…enthusiasm.

“Was I ever in your fantasies, Nicole?” he asked huskily.

I watched, fascinated as his light-green eyes darkened, changing shades in the blink of an eye. The ability of his irises to change from light to dark made it easier for me to know what he was thinking about.

When his emotions shifted, so did the shade of green in his eyes.

Right now, I’d say his thoughts had gone completely wild.

“You have,” I told him in a sultry whisper. “Don’t worry. You were an absolute stud. I felt a little uncomfortable stroking myself into an orgasm in your mother’s house—”

“Fuck! You did it there, too? While I was in the suite across from you, trying to jerk myself off?” His eyes widened as he looked at me in question.

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