Tell Me You're Mine (The British Billionaires #1) - J. S. Scott Page 0,33

understood. Nicole is safe with me, Kylie. I just want to talk.”

“She’d better be,” Kylie barked at Damian as she left and closed the door behind her.

An oppressive silence filled the room the second she was gone, and the tension was so thick between Damian and me that it was almost unbearable.

I glared at him, but there was a stubborn determination in his gorgeous eyes that made me aware that he wasn’t leaving until he’d said what he wanted to say.

“Just say your piece and leave, Damian,” I said, resigned. Listening to him was apparently the fastest way to get this man out of my office, and I really, really needed him to go. I looked up at the clock. “Your five minutes is ticking down as of right now.”

His sexy green-eyed gaze met mine as he said, “I should have told you the truth, but as soon as I found out that Lancaster International was the source of your unhappiness, the last thing I wanted to do was admit that I was the head of the company. I doubt you ever would have uttered another word to me, and rightfully so. I should have been at that meeting, Nicole, but something happened—”

“Something happened?” I interrupted indignantly. “I know what happened. A front-page article and a naked orgy picture were more than enough to tell the story of what you’d been up to until the wee hours of the morning. I doubt you were in any condition to attend a morning meeting.”

His expression was grim. “Yes. That’s why I wasn’t there.” Damian didn’t attempt to explain any further.

I crossed my arms over my chest defensively, doing my best to act like I didn’t give a damn what he did. “Why were you taking a flight in the business section of your own airline?”

He shrugged his massive shoulders. “What better way to get a passenger experience? I like to know how my customers feel when they’re taking Transatlantic, and what changes we need to make to be better than the competition.”

I wasn’t about to tell him that I found that…refreshing. There probably weren’t very many billionaires who gave a shit about how their companies were run, as long as the bottom line was in the black. “Why bother talking to me at all? Why bother to kiss me? Are you twisted? Was that entire flight just a game for you to play to pass the time?”

“Of course not. I usually mind my own business when I’m doing a test flight, but I wanted to talk to you, Nicole. And yes, I wanted that damn kiss. I’m not going to lie.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Why?”

Damian raked a hand through his perfect hair like he was frustrated. “Because you’re the most captivating woman I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful. You’re intelligent. Easy to talk to. You were the one woman I couldn’t possibly ignore, Nicole, and to be completely honest, I have no fucking idea why.” His voice sounded sincere.

But I knew better. I didn’t believe a single word that was coming out of his mouth. If I did, I’d probably have to admit that I’d felt the same weird attraction he had, and I didn’t want to go there.

His eyes were intense, a dark, swirling pool of emotions.

I had to give it to Damian—he was an excellent actor. I almost believed that a little of his chagrin might be…real.

I forced my gaze away from him and looked up at the clock.

Shit! He still had a little more time.

I turned my eyes back in his direction. Damian was dressed more casually today in a pair of black jeans and a green polo shirt that matched his eyes. I didn’t want to admit that the casual style made him seem more…approachable. “Why are you here?” I asked bluntly.

“I had to see you, Nicole. At first, I thought it would be better to let it go, but I don’t think that’s true anymore. I wanted your number. I wanted to ask you out. I was just too cowardly to tell you the truth because I was pretty sure you’d end up hating me.”

He reached out a hand, as though he wanted to touch me, but I stepped back before he could make contact. “Don’t touch me,” I said in a warning tone. “Look, you’ve said what you wanted to say. What else do you want? Your five minutes is almost up.”

“Do you really want me to answer that question?” he asked in a husky tone.

“No!” I Copyright 2016 - 2024