Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,60

she was spared that.

“I don't understand. Where did this picture come from? It’s us, the other night, isn’t it?”

It was Tony's turn to nod.

“But, how? Surely someone would have seen. The rules say no cameras. No one takes pictures.” She peered at him, hopeless. Despite her words, her disbelief, the reality of the situation was apparent. Someone had taken the picture, and what’s more they seemed intent on using it to humiliate both of them. Except, Tony didn't seem to care. At least, not for himself. And although he was shocked, and angry, through her haze of confused despair one fact emerged clear, strong, and utterly astonishing. He didn’t appear surprised.

“You knew. You knew about this, didn't you?”

He met her gaze, held it. Then he nodded again. “I suspected it, yes. I knew it was a possibility.”

“How? How did you know?”

“I saw the camera flash. While you were blindfolded.”

Thea doubled up as another wave of nausea washed through her. “Oh God, why didn't you tell me. If you knew…?”

“I saw the flash, but not who took the picture. I was concentrating on you at the time. I didn’t know what they took a picture of either. None of us did. We all saw the flash, and the dungeon staff did ask around. Not much, I know, but short of body searching everyone there I guess they did what they could.”

“They should have stopped it. Found the camera. They had no right…”

Tony stood and rounded the desk to enfold her in his arms again. “I know. Fuck, I know that. I spoke to the club owner afterwards, but it was too late by then. He told me that they had identified the culprit, and that the picture was a selfie. He also told me it had been deleted. They took his word for it. Clearly, they shouldn’t have. I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this. I wish I could have protected you.”

“But, why us? And what’s all this about anyway? These photocopies…?” She shoved at his chest to stand back, and looked up at him, alarmed. “Someone must have known who we were. Why else are those images here? In our car park? Oh God, they stuck that picture under every windscreen wiper. All our staff…”

Tony’s mouth flattened in a sympathetic grimace. “Seems like it.”

“It was targeted. At us. But why?”

“I don’t know. I intend to find out though.”

“How? And why bother? The damage is done now. Oh Christ, I can’t work here any more.”

“Sweetheart, you can. You have to. You can't just give in. That’s what they want.”

“What about what I want. My privacy? I knew I should never have let you mix it all up. This would never have happened if you hadn’t confused me, made me let down my guard.” In a sudden and overwhelming rush of violent anger Thea aimed her clenched fist at his chest. It connected and bounced off, useless. Impotent. Like her, like her rage. She struck out again, this time landing a punch to his jaw. His head tilted back, but he seemed oblivious to her attempts to do him grievous harm. That just fuelled her anger.

Thea screamed and laid into him, raining ferocious blows on his chest, his shoulders, his arms. Tony allowed it, absorbed her assault, waited until her temper and frustration were spent before wrapping his arms around her again.

“I know, love. I know. We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise you that.”

“But what good will it do? We’ll never live this down. Everyone knows. Everything’s ruined.”

“Not ruined. We’re pissed off. And embarrassed maybe, but that’ll pass. There’ll be talk, a lot of talk for a few days, then everyone will move on.”

“They won't. It’ll never pass. I can't face anyone again after this. Neither can you.”

“I’ll survive. So will you. Nothing we’ve done is illegal, and if anyone thinks it's immoral then that’s a matter of opinion. People here will be surprised, amused. Some might even be offended but if they want to hang on to their jobs they’ll keep that view to themselves. This will blow over, Thea.”

She shook her head, her knees weak now that her violent tantrum was over. She wanted to sit down. Better still lie down. In the dark. The doors locked. She needed to hide.

“I want to go home.”

“Of course. Let’s get out of here.”

“No. My home. I want to go to my flat.”

“Okay.” Tony sounded less enthusiastic at that, but ready to do it her way.

“No. On my own. Just me.”

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