Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,58

on their private moment and her undisguised disapproval, or the woman’s obvious hostility and anger at the reinstatement of Jeremy Malone. She saw the working relationship between herself and Isabel disappearing down the toilet. Fast.

“Well,” she observed at last, “we could have handled that a bit better.”

Tony lifted one expressive eyebrow. “Really? I doubt that somehow.”

Isabel may have been dismayed at Tony’s about turn in the matter of Jeremy Malone, but Denise Metcalfe was delighted when she heard the news. “Excellent, I’m so pleased we’ve arrived at an amicable solution. It will boost staff morale to no end.”

“But is it workable?” Thea wasn’t so sure, and although she applauded Tony’s decision in principle, the practical ramifications needed to be ironed out. “Tony offered Mr Malone his old job back. Is that post vacant?”

“Not exactly, but we do have another team leader vacancy in dispatch. Or we will, once the police have charged Shirley Reece with fraud.”

“Right, criminal charges would be deemed to justify a finding of gross misconduct, and therefore grounds for instant dismissal from the company with no further investigation required by us. Good thinking. And the contractual revisions?”

“Not a problem. In fact, we could just appoint Mr Malone on the flexitime arrangement you’ve been developing. It could be a pilot.”

Thea stopped to consider that suggestion. She’d been intending to introduce the new, family-friendly working arrangements over the coming months, and might as well start now. “Okay, do it that way then. Give me a shout if you need anything else from me.”

She ended the call and started to log off from her computer. It had been a long day and she was keen to find Tony and head for home. As though summoned by her thoughts his voice reached her from the outer office.

“Thea and I will be leaving soon. If Mr Peters from our accountants’ rings could you make an appointment in Thea’s diary for him? Next Tuesday or Friday should be fine.”

Thea couldn’t make out the mumbled reply, but she was reasonably certain that even though it had been a few hours ago Isabel would still be smarting from the earlier confrontation. Still, that was her problem.

“Ready for the off?” Tony entered the office, and she was struck, not for the first time, by the way he seemed to fill the space. He was a formidable presence, as Isabel had learnt this afternoon, when she crossed him.

Thea signalled for Tony to close the door, and when she was sure they wouldn’t be overheard she asked if Isabel was alright.

“Not really. She’s sulking.”

“Have you ever had a row like that with her before? You always seem to get on so well.”

He shook his head. “We don't always agree, that goes without saying. But she’s never gone up against me so directly before. Or been so bloody condescending. She spoke to us like we were a couple of naughty children, for fuck’s sake. I encourage people to say what they think, and I do listen. But I won’t put up with that.”

“No. Right. But she was probably surprised to see us… well, you know.”

“I get that. But we’re consenting adults, and this is my office. Yours too, for the duration. She’ll have to get used to it.”

“Even so, I’ll be a little less demonstrative next time you make a decision I agree with.”

“Well, that'd be a pity, but I suppose it’s your call. I, on the other hand, will have no compunction at all about instructing you to strip and kneel, if the occasion demands it. Though not in front of Isabel if we can help it of course.”

Thea grinned, her pussy clenching. She wanted to be at home. Quick. “So, is she still out there?” She did not relish the prospect of any further confrontation tonight.

“Coward. She was just putting her coat on. We’ll give her a couple of minutes, until the coast’s clear.”

“Are you avoiding her too, Mr diMarco?”

“I pick my battles, Mrs Richmond. And like you, I’ve had enough of them for today.”

“Right. A couple of minutes then.”

The sound of the door from Isabel’s office to the main corridor opening, then closing, was Thea’s signal to grab her coat. They were just about to leave when they heard the outer door opening again, this time more forcefully.

“Shit! Is she back?” Tony dumped his briefcase back on the desk and waited.

There was a loud knock on their office door.

“Come in.” They both called out together.

A breathless and distinctly flustered Eric Henderson bustled into the room. His Copyright 2016 - 2024