Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,49

good, little sub. My perfect whore. Now you try.”

He put his fingers in her mouth. Thea tasted her own juices, musky, rich and slightly spicy. She closed her lips around his digits and sucked, curling her tongue around them to lap off every last trace of her cream. He allowed her to finish before he pulled his hand from her mouth. He smiled at her, a smile of pleasure, of acceptance. Thea warmed within the comforting haze of his approval, and fought the urge to reach up and kiss his lips.

Tony simply offered her the slightest nod, then stepped back.

“You may put your dress back on, Thea.”

Her hands trembled as she did so, so much that Tony had to assist her in zipping it up. At last, perfectly respectable once more, she faced him. “Should I go back to work now, Sir?”

“Yes. And Mrs Richmond, thank you. For earlier, about Jeremy Malone. I appreciate that.”

Thea made no further comment. She just smiled, bowed her head, and floated from the room.

Chapter Ten

“Sir? Am I late?” Thea approached Tony across the entrance foyer of The Wicked Club, and sank to her knees in front of him. He was pleased to note that she had already deposited her overcoat and bag in the cloakroom so was wearing just a vivid red corset which laced up the front, a thong, matching crimson stockings and spiky stiletto heels.

“No Thea. You’re exactly on time. I expected no less.” He caressed her head, running his fingers through the silky curls of her unbound hair. He loved her hair, especially when it was loose like this though he might need to tie it up later. Such a contrast to her prim and proper, and oh-so-restrained office persona, though these days she seemed much more relaxed whichever setting she was in. He liked to think he’d had something to do with that, with helping her to be comfortable in her skin.

“Thank you.” She lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, her expression warm and so sexy. He knew without needing to ask that her body was responding already, her pussy moistening for him.

“Would you like a drink, or shall we go straight to the dungeon?” Tony placed two fingers under her chin to hold her face still, not that she showed any inclination to move.

“A glass of water would be very welcome, Sir.”

Good answer. He set great store by hydration. And anticipation. He also had a personal matter of some importance to raise with her. “The bar first, then. Come.” He turned and walked away from her. He had no need to look behind him to know that Thea had risen to her feet and followed him.

They sat beside each other in low chairs in a corner of the club’s alcohol-free bar. Thea sipped her water, Tony had fruit juice.

He regarded her thoughtfully. “What would you like from me tonight, Thea?”

“Your choice, Sir, as always.” She dropped her gaze, a gesture of respect, of her submission to his control. His cock leapt to attention. Christ, she was lovely.

He loved her submission, but what he wanted to discuss required eye contact so he tipped her chin up with his fingers. “I’m thinking something quite intense. I want to hear you squeal. And I intend to leave you with plenty of new bruises to reflect on later. A souvenir of a pleasant evening.”

Thea smiled and held his gaze. “I expected no less, Sir. Thank you.”

“And whilst we’re discussing souvenirs, I have something for you.” He reached into the pocket of his sharp, grey suit trousers and withdrew a long, narrow box. A jewellery case. He held it out to her.

Thea took the box and held it in both her hands. “There’s no need to buy me presents, Sir.”

“This isn't a present, little sub. At least not in the sense you mean. Open it.”

Thea flicked back the lid, and gasped. She looked up at him, wide-eyed. “Is this what I think it is?”

He nodded. “A collar. But this one’s suitable to wear all the time. Which is what I expect of you. We discussed this before, but now I need to be sure you fully understand. If you agree, once I fasten it around your neck, only I can remove it.”

“It’s lovely Sir. Absolutely beautiful.”

Tony was pleased. He’d thought the elegant leather and gold design he’d had custom made for her would appeal to Thea. The locking mechanism, though secure, was discreet and the piece was an attractive item of jewellery. They Copyright 2016 - 2024