Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,45

his cock. He drove forward, filling her completely, then stroked the tip of her clit again. He applied just a touch more pressure, and she started to convulse. He stopped, waited. She hauled herself back from the brink, her entire body shivering. Tony waited for a count of five, then another. He leaned in to murmur in her ear.

“Come now, Thea.”

His finger hovered, a fraction of a millimetre from her clit. His cock stretched and shaped her. He kissed the back of her neck, then dragged his teeth across her sensitive skin. It was enough, too much. She convulsed around him as her orgasm seized and spun her. Tony rubbed her clit at last to provide the friction she craved, driving her release further, harder, deeper.

At last she lay still under him, spent. He took a handful of her hair and twisted it around his fist, lifting her face from the table top. He leaned over and kissed her on the mouth, hard. He plunged his tongue between her lips, tasting, exploring, possessing her even now. He broke the kiss and started to move again, driving his cock deep with the long, slow strokes he loved. His own climax was just seconds away, but he’d been determined to see hers through first. Her pussy was tight, so hot, so wet. She seemed to squeeze around him, was she doing it on purpose? Yes, probably. He tightened his grip on her hair and growled into her ear.


She relaxed, giving over control to him totally. Her submission was all he required to cause his nuts to contract. Semen surged into the condom and his balls emptied.

Still holding her by the hair he nudged her nose with his. “Talk to me, little sub. Are you okay?”

“Yes Sir. Thank you for that.”

“For what, exactly?”

“For forcing the issue, for making me do this. Here.”

“Was it worth it? Worth affronting Mrs Richmond’s delicate sensitivities?”

“Not so much delicate, more…” She hesitated, seemed to be searching for the word. Tony could have supplied something but opted to wait, to see what she came up with. Her choice pleased him. “… rigid.”

“I’d say you were far from rigid now, Mrs Richmond. Yielding would be a better description.”

“I like yielding.”

“I know. So we’ll be doing it again then?”

“If you like, Sir. Your choice.”

He straightened and released her hair, then withdrew from her. He took a moment to deal with the condom and rearrange his clothing, then helped her to stand upright too. Her skirt fell back into place, the look almost decent. If her just-fucked hair wasn’t such a giveaway. And her bare legs. He wanted to get her home. Fast.

“Exactly. So, my place then? I still owe you a decent spanking.”

“Thank you, Sir. That will be nice.”

Chapter Nine

“You need to reinstate Jeremy Malone.”

“Who?” Tony regarded Thea across the conference table, as four more pairs of puzzled eyes also stared at her.

“Jeremy Malone. The man you paid compensation to. For wrongful dismissal.” Unruffled, Thea supplied the clarification.

“No way!” This from Isabel. As Tony’s PA she usually attended senior staff meetings and took any notes. She also contributed to the discussion when she had a point to make. Now seemed to be one such occasion. Thea inclined her head to acknowledge the comment.

The others present were Denise Metcalfe, just settling into her new job as Head of Finance, now with three weeks of experience in the role under her belt. Thea was delighted with Denise’s performance so far and privately blessed the day she suggested her promotion to Tony. Next to Denise sat Eric Henderson, these days only heading up their corporate IT since Thea had relieved him of the human resources role. He’d been delighted to the rid of it, and had fallen over himself to support the new incumbent, another internal promotion. Christopher McCoy had been in his new post for a total of three and a half days and was still somewhat shell-shocked by his rapid rise from the ranks of HR admin. Even so, Thea believed he’d do very well. Christopher shared her passion for the detail, but he had a feel for the human stories too. She hoped for his support in this coming debate over their ex-employee.

Isabel wasn’t done. “Why? Why would we want to do that? The man was a waster. A liability. And he’s gone. History.”

Thea did not miss the looks exchanged between Denise and Christopher at Isabel’s remark. It seemed they at least did not buy in to this notion. Tony’s expression Copyright 2016 - 2024