Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,38


”Roll over then. On all fours.”

Thea did as he instructed, lifting her bottom up and planting her knees wide apart. She crossed her arms on the mattress and rested her head on them.

Tony rolled from the bed and went to the wardrobe. He returned carrying a polished wood paddle, quite beautiful. It was solid looking, the shape and size reminiscent of a table tennis bat but she suspected this would be a great deal heavier.

“Sir, I didn't know you had that.”

“A recent acquisition. I bought it with you in mind and I suspect it will become one of my favourites. I’ve been keeping this one for a special occasion. It packs quite a punch I believe.”

“I want it, Sir. I want it hard.”

“And you shall have it. Hard. Tell me when you’ve had enough.”

Thea nodded, then dropped her forehead back onto her arms.

She lurched forward when the first swat landed, heavy and solid against her left buttock. The bite resounded through her, sinking deep into her flesh.

“Christ, Sir. That does sting.”

“A few more, I think. To warm you up ready to be fucked.”

“Yes. Thank you, Sir.”

The next three slaps were delivered in quick succession, and Thea screamed with each one. The paddle was long. It could strike both sides of her bum at once, and her Dom seemed intent on covering her entire arse with its scorching fire. Her pussy was open and exposed, but Tony avoided striking her there. She was glad, though perhaps a little disappointed too. The aftershocks of each spank resonated through her trembling buttocks, and her pussy vibrated with the intensity of it. The next two slaps evoked sharp grunts from her. She was nearing the limit of her endurance, but she hated having to ask her Dom to stop. A couple more would be fine, maybe three or four.

The paddle whistled through the air again and landed full across the back of her right thigh. Thea let out a scream and grasped the duvet in her fist. She was sobbing now, her bottom clenching as she dug deep to ride the pain. Her natural endorphins helped, and would be coursing through her body by the bucket load. She was going to need a lot more than that to weather the rest of this paddling though.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Thea shook her head.



“You’re at your limit. You can tell me that. You know you can.”

“I’m not, I…”

He laid the paddle on the bed beside her. Thea sighed and reached for his hand, only now succumbing to the wave of relief, now that the paddling was over.

“Why didn’t you say?”

“No need. You always know.”

“One day I might not. I’m not psychic. What if I didn’t notice and pushed you past your limit? You should protect yourself.”

“If you were a Dom who didn't take notice I would never have agreed to wear your collar. I wouldn’t have scened with you all these months.”

“Fair point I suppose. Even so, one day I intend to punish you for this lax habit of yours. Not today though. Today I’m too pleased with you to want to correct your behaviour. But be warned, Mrs Richmond…”

“Why do you keep calling me that?”

“It’s your name. One of them, anyway. So, did you like my new toy?”

“It hurts. A lot.”

“I know.”

“I’m glad I tried it, but I’m not sure I like it that much. Do you mind?”

“Not at all. Shall we just keep it for special occasions then? I think it will come in useful when you need to be taught a lesson.”

“Remind me to try to avoid that.”

He nuzzled his face in her hair as he murmured his next words. “You know I cherish you. You’re my submissive and very precious to me. But one day, I will use this again, and I will hurt you. You need to understand that if you’ll be wearing my collar.”

Thea nodded, and reached for him. Immediately he gathered her up and held her against his chest.

“Fuck me now, Sir. Please. I need that.”

“Do you want to be on top? In view of your delicate derriere?” He patted the region in question.

Thea yelped. “Yes, please.”

Tony rolled onto his back, pulling her with him so she lay on top, face down, her body draped across his chest. “Grab a condom from the drawer.” He indicated with his thumb where she would find the contraceptives. “Then I want you to remove my jeans and boxers, roll on the condom, and straddle me. I expect you to make a Copyright 2016 - 2024