Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,24

better?” His tone was almost conversational. Almost.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

“Adopt the position I described to you then, and start reading. You can make notes in the margins.”

“Sir, I don't want to do this. I can’t.”

“I believe you can. And I’d like you to try please. You can take as long as you need, but you will have read and understood every word of that contract before you leave this room. Now may I suggest you make a start, or be prepared to present your bottom for further punishment? It’ll be four strokes if I have to remind you again about obedience.”

Thea turned to face the table and pulled the sheets of paper towards her. She flicked through them, counting. Just five sheets. She could manage to read and take in five pages, surely. She drew in a deep breath, held it for several seconds, then leaned forward. She widened her stance, spreading her thighs as far apart as she was able, and arched her back. If she was doing this, she would make every effort to ensure her Dom had no further cause for complaint.

Thea read through the first few lines quickly. Nothing unusual, just the general terms naming the company concerned and the principal parties involved in this agreement. Herself, Althea Richmond, and Anton diMarco. Tony. Sir to her. The next section outlined her principal duties at Dart Logistics, the purpose of her secondment there. She moved on to the next section, then yelped as Tony parted her pussy lips with his fingers.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, Sir. I’m sorry.”

“Please continue reading.” He plunged three fingers deep into her drenched pussy. Despite her confusion and discomfort, there could be no mistaking Thea’s arousal at being made to pose for him in this way.

She closed her eyes, unable to help herself, and clenched her inner walls around his thrusting fingers.

“Mrs Richmond, are you concentrating?”

“Yes Sir. At least, I’m trying to. But it’s not easy when you do that.”

“I suggest you check the key terms one more time, Mrs Richmond. I will expect you to comply with the terms of this contract once we’ve agreed it.”

Something in his tone warned her. Fighting off the impact of his skilled fingers as they continued to caress her inner walls, Thea re-read the paragraph she just finished. And this time she spotted it. She was to be seconded to Dart Logistics for a remuneration of half her usual salary. This wasn't what she had understood would be the deal.

“Sir, this figure here…”

“If there are any amendments required please note those in the margin and move on. And pay better attention to the rest. I won't prompt you again, and you’ll have to live with any mistakes you might make.”

Thea bristled. Mistakes. She didn't make mistakes. At least, not of this sort. All her colleagues were agreed on one thing, Mrs Richmond’s attention to detail, to the fine print, was legendary. She picked up the pen and scribbled a note alongside the incorrect clause and figure, then gave her head a quick shake to clear her lust-fogged senses. She focused again on the sheet before her.

She found nothing untoward in the rest of that first sheet, and turned it face down on the table next to the pile of unread pages. She heaved a sigh of relief when Tony slid his fingers from her body and stepped away. The respite was short-lived.

Tony returned to the table and placed a saucer on top of her face-down sheet. Thea’s heart sank when she saw what it contained.

A long finger of peeled ginger root, a deep groove carved into the flesh about a third of the way along.

“We haven’t used figging in our play up to now, but I’m sure you know what it entails, Thea.”

“Yes, Sir.” She had read about this, and knew that he would press the plug of ginger into her arse. The natural juices would be in direct contact with her delicate inner tissues. It would feel to be burning, very uncomfortable.

“So, I’ll do this slowly so as not to hurt you. I won't use any lube as that reduces the effect of the ginger, but I’ll wet the root to make it slide in more easily. I’ll need you to remain still, and to co-operate. You’ll offer no resistance. Any questions?”

“About the ginger, or the contract, Sir?”

“The ginger. I’ll be coming to the contract in due course. Are you ready?”

As I’ll ever be. “Yes, Sir.”

Tony inserted the tip of his finger first, testing her Copyright 2016 - 2024