Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love - Kim Fielding Page 0,51

more stops to their floor. Their room was a long way down the hall. Really long. And twice Romeo had to shush Teddy, who thought the acoustics called for a musical interlude. “Hotel California” didn’t seem apt since they were in Washington, so he settled on “Heartbreak Hotel” instead.

“But this isn’t Lonely Street,” he pointed out as Romeo unlocked their door.

“Nope. We’re on Second Avenue.”

“Dunno that song.”

Romeo’s laughter was better than music anyway.

Although the hour wasn’t especially late, Teddy was tired. Plus the room was beginning to spin—like the Space Needle, only faster—and the bed seemed like the safest place. The only bed, which he got to share with Romeo.

“Sleeping together is underrated,” he announced.

Romeo, hanging up their coats, glanced over. “Oh?”

“Not sex. That’s not underrated. Or overrated. It’s... X-rated?” Teddy giggled at his own joke and collapsed onto the mattress. “I guess sometimes it’s also overrated. Like with Gregory. He was boring.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Teddy tried to remove his boots. They were Jeffery-Wests with pointed toes and an iridescent blue scaled-leather finish. Way out of his price range if he hadn’t found them in pristine condition at one of his favorite consignment shops.

“Sleeping together,” he said. “Like, being asleep in the same bed. That’s underrated.” The boot came off suddenly, hitting the floor with a thunk. He’d need to be more careful with the other foot, the injured one.

Romeo, who’d smoothly removed his own footwear, began stripping off the rest of his clothing. “Yeah? What do you like about it?”

Romeo’s increasing nudity was a distraction. Teddy had to blink several times before he answered. “You’re warm and you smell good. And you’re cute when you’re asleep. Cute awake too, but in a different way.”

“Well, I like sleeping with you too. You’re good company.”

Teddy grinned.

In the end, Romeo had to help him with the second boot. Teddy managed to get most of his own clothes off but decided the pajamas were too much effort. He snuggled between the sheets in his underwear, waiting for Romeo to finish brushing his teeth. After Romeo doused the lights and got into bed, it was perfect. It was everything Teddy wanted, at least for tonight.

Well, maybe not everything.

He scooted closer.

“Not-sleeping in bed together is also good,” he suggested hopefully.

Romeo chuckled. “Unless it’s with what’s his face. The ex.”

“Let’s forget him. But I bet you—”

“And you’re going to hold that thought, Teddy Spenser. All we’re doing tonight is sleeping.”

Teddy cringed with embarrassment. “Oh. Sorry. I thought—”

Romeo caught Teddy’s arm before he could slink back across the mattress. “You thought correctly. Look. I don’t hook up often, okay? And never with someone...”

When the pause stretched on, Teddy tried a prompt. “Someone who screws things up so much for you?”

“No.” Romeo gave Teddy’s shoulder a gentle punch. “Someone special, okay?”

Just like that, Teddy felt like dancing on a table after all. Too bad there wasn’t one handy. “I’m special?”

“Yeah. And you’re also wasted. If we’re gonna do this, let’s be in our right minds, okay?”

Although that was disappointing, it also carried the implication of hope for the future. “I could drink some coffee.”

“That doesn’t work. Nothing’s going to sober you up but time.”

Teddy wasn’t sure they had time. Tomorrow was the last test, whatever that might be, and then they’d have to fly home in disgrace, and Teddy would be totally broke. But even worse, Romeo would lose his dream job.

Teddy opened his mouth to explain all of this, but before he could get a word out, his phone rang.

Chapter Fourteen

“It’s not too late, is it, darling?” Joyce’s voice over the speaker was as clear as if she were standing in their hotel room.

“No,” Teddy lied. “Not at all.”

“Good. I hope you boys had some fun this evening.”

A mix of emotions, along with the alcohol and fatigue, roiled within Teddy. Polite and coherent. Try for polite and coherent. “We saw some sights and had a great dinner. Thank you.”

“Wonderful. And you’ll be ready at nine, yes?”

“Of course. Um, tomorrow is—”

“A surprise, darling.”

Great. “How should we dress? Do we need any supplies?”

“Casual is fine. You’ll be remaining indoors. No supplies needed.”

That didn’t really narrow it down, but no use pushing her. “Okay, thanks. Um, about today—”

“We’ll discuss it tomorrow.” She hung up before he had a chance to explain that the escape room failure was all his fault.

Teddy lay there in the darkness, listening to Romeo breathe, trying to process the sudden shifts his life had taken in the past few days. The alcohol didn’t help,

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