Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,19

seen in my life. Her mouth was ajar, eyes wide, cheeks pink and she was panting at me like she never wanted anyone else.

When she came down from her high, I picked up her shorts and helped her into them. She didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally she looked up at me. “That shouldn’t have happened.”

I nodded. “No, but it did.”

She smiled, showing her teeth. They were perfectly white and straight. “I’m glad it did,” she whispered.

I smiled, reached around and pulled her to me. She tilted her head upwards, offering me her mouth. There were things I wanted to do to that mouth. But good things come to those who wait.

“You have a smart mouth,” I whispered.

She smiled, cocking an eyebrow. “I do.”

“I’ll have to fix that,” I whispered into her ear. She laughed and groaned when her phone started to ring.

She looked down at her phone and then back up at me. “I need to take this,” she mumbled.

I nodded, and strained myself to listen to who was on the other end. “Hello,” she said. It was too low. I couldn’t hear a thing.

“What do you mean…strange? What’d she do? Wait…now? Ugh…okay, come on over.” She pressed the End button and looked up at me. “That was Tyler he is upset. He had asked my friend Jamie out. He said she was acting strange.” She scratched her forehead. “It’s late anyway. I guess I’ll see you…later.”

I tried to hide my disappointment. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to cook her dinner, to talk to her. I’d just made her come on my fingers, and I wanted so much more. “Sure,” I said. I gestured toward the door. She walked out and stopped.

“I don’t know what I’m doing. Just so you know. I’m not normally like this.”

I nodded. I knew she wasn’t. “I know. Me either. We’ll get this straightened out. I swear it.”

Chapter Seven


My head was spinning when I walked back into my apartment. Cody was sitting on the couch, legs shaking. “Finally!” he yelled. “What happened, did you do it? Did he kiss you?”

“He kissed me alright,” I mumbled, slumping to the couch.

“Ah!” he yelled. “Tell me. Please!”

I laughed. “Calm down, Cody.” I gave him some details and he fanned himself, lying back on the couch.

“Why are you here? You need to get your ass back over there and let that sexy man take you. Teacher or not, he is fucking hot.”

I sighed. “Tyler called. He had asked Jamie out, and said she was acting very strange on their date.”

“You’re telling me you left his apartment to come here to talk to Tyler about Jamie? Jamie is weird, Sarah. She jumps from guy to guy.”

I sighed. I heard three quick knocks on the door. “Come in,” I said.

Tyler walked in. His eyes were wide, and he looked utterly confused. It was weird to see him in descent clothes rather than baseball attire. His hair was combed, he’d shaved, his shirt was tight and tucked into his dark jeans. “Hey,” he said, scratching his head. He took a seat on the zebra print bench on the other wall.

“So, what’s going on? You said Jamie was acting weird.”

“Weirder than normal?” Cody mumbled.

I gave him a shut up look and waited for Tyler to answer.

He shrugged. “We went to Ameca, then to the movies. She was fine, but then she got a text and started mumbling shit to herself.”

“What was she saying?”

He sighed and ran his fingers over his face. He looked like he actually gave a damn that she was upset. “I don’t know. It was more to herself than anything. And then,” he sat up straight, looking at me, “when I mentioned your name she got pissed. Are you two in a fight or something?”

I bit my lip. “Not that I know of. She had gotten mad at me earlier this week, but she’s been over here since then and everything was fine. I don’t know what could be wrong with her. But, I’ll find out.”

Tyler nodded, stood and walked toward the door. “Thanks, Sarah. Let me know if you find out what I done wrong.”

Cody let out a laugh when he left. “That kid doesn’t need to get too upset about Jamie. She isn’t worth it.”

I slapped her arm. “Don’t be a butthead.”

“We aren’t in third grade anymore, you can talk like an adult.” He smiled.

Take me in your mouth, Mr. Downs. My face heated but I pretended to punch Cody in the arm.

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