Taze (Rise of the Pride #11) - Theresa Hissong Page 0,65

use to cover their scent work very well. I have firsthand knowledge of that.”

“I can’t find any reason to dispute your tracking, Calla,” Talon cursed. “If this agent is a wolf, then he’s doing a lot to cover himself when he’s in our presence. Do you think he’s wearing contacts, too?”

“He has to be,” Lucky said as he pushed away from the wall. “I noticed the other night, he kept blinking a lot when we questioned one of the areas where he’d sent us to look for rogues. He was angry, too. That would explain the eye irritation if he was wearing contacts while his eyes shifted.”

“He kept his mouth tightly closed as he told us to not question him,” Storm, who looked like he was barely holding it together, advised. “He could’ve been hiding his canines, and to be honest, I never noticed.”

“Okay, then this changes things,” Talon announced, casting a glance toward the angel. “This may be why you’ve had no visions surrounding Murdock.”

“That’s true, and if we are dealing with a Gadaí alpha working directly with the FBI, there are a lot more things we need to be concerned about. I suggest we all watch our backs and talk to Agent Tabor.”

“Agreed,” Talon replied. “Everyone, be on alert. I will come up with a plan to take him out, and hopefully, after that, the drugs will come off the streets and we can go back to living in peace.”

A round of agreements filled the room as Calla relaxed for the first time since she’d put everything together. When she looked over at Taze, his smile was full of pride. He gave her a short bow and winked right as the alpha dismissed everyone, reminding them he’d be calling everyone back for a meeting at midnight.

She’d been relying a lot more on her panther recently to guide her when it came to mating Taze. The animal had assured her that mating the male was nothing like what had happened to her as a teenager.

She tried to control her mating scent, but there was no use. Evie and Hope gave her hugs and saucy winks as they said their goodbyes. Evie wagged her brows when Taze approached, but took off down the hallway, leaving them alone. She felt an ache in her lower belly as his mating scent greeted her.

There’d been a lot of thinking on her part throughout the day. She was falling for Taze more and more as the days went by. Trusting him was never a problem. It was trusting herself not to fall apart that kept her away, mostly. The need to finalize their mating was coming to a boiling point, and the more time they spent together, the harder it was to fight it.

As she looked over into his eyes, she felt the push from her panther. She needed to talk to him tonight and lay it out there. She may not be a virgin, but she was totally inexperienced. He’d said he would wait for her to initiate contact, and Calla couldn’t think about a better time than immediately.

Taze had never been prouder of someone than he was of Calla in the moment she finally put together the pieces of the war they’d been fighting. The Guardians and Protectors gave her nods of respect as she left the room.

Malaki hugged her and gave a rare show of emotions when he smiled and ruffled her hair. She released him and pushed him out the door, waiting for Hope and Evie to give her some praise. Taze stayed back, waiting until he could be alone with her.

His panther was pacing in his mind at the thought of getting the alpha and stopping the rogues. If they could get Murdock off the streets, they would have to find the rogues within a few weeks or they’d end up having a rash of uncontrollable shifters fighting their way out of the death that would be coming for them.

“Hey,” she said with a huge smile as he approached.

“Hey yourself,” he replied, looking down into her beautiful eyes. She had tiny flecks of amber showing up, telling him her panther was prowling around in her mind. “For the record, I had no doubts in your tracking abilities.”

“I know that,” she blushed and headed toward the back door. Taze followed her until she stopped on the porch, turning around to face him. “You were the one who saw something in me all those years ago that led you to believe

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