Taze (Rise of the Pride #11) - Theresa Hissong Page 0,43

his eyes off of Talon, and that was exactly what the male was supposed to do. Talon held his magic while Harold knelt next to Calla. He spoke soft words into her ear and finally coaxed her into moving to the couch. Talon didn’t miss the moment Taze repositioned his body in a protective stance in front of her new location.

“I…I don’t want to go without Taze,” Calla whispered.

“We need to move both of you to my office,” Harold announced. “Calla’s heart rate is a little high, and I’d like to monitor her for an hour.”

Taze broke his gaze, jerking his head around to look at the healer, “Why? What’s going on?”

“Just precaution.” Harold cleared his throat and looked at the female. When she nodded her approval, the healer continued. “She’s showing signs of a panic attack, and her breathing is also erratic.”

“Let Harold give her a checkup,” Talon ordered.

“Are you okay to walk over?” Harold turned toward Calla.

“Yes,” she shivered.

Talon moved over and took a blanket off the couch and wrapped it over her shoulders. He helped her up and out the door while the healer and Taze followed them across the road. As they walked, he gave her a gentle squeeze, bleeding some warmth and healing into his touch. She sighed and relaxed in his hold. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I hope so,” she whispered and glanced over her shoulder at the Guardian.

Taze had lost his shit when Calla admitted everything. She knew it would happen, but she needed to tell him. He would probably move on and not want to touch her anymore. Since they were only granted one mate in their lifetime, she knew she would be alone for the rest of her life now. There was no way he would want her after she’d admitted everything to him.

“What’s going on?” her brother bellowed as he came running down the road. Calla flinched as he went right to Taze, slamming his forearm into his chest. “What did you do?”

“If you touch me again, I will go against every Guardian oath I vowed myself to and make you regret ever touching me.” Taze’s voice was thick with anger.

“Again?” Harold growled, coming to the alpha’s side. She cried out when Talon released her into the healer’s care and turned for the males.

“Harold, take Calla inside,” he ordered.

“No!” she panicked. “No! Don’t fight! Gods, please?” Her words ended in another breakdown. She was so tired of them fighting. “I can’t take it anymore.”

“It’s okay, Calla,” Taze called out a promise. “I’ll be inside in just a moment. Let me talk to your brother and the alpha. There will be no fighting today.”

Today, he had said. That didn’t mean they were going to become best friends at any second. She gave up, walking up the steps to Harold’s porch. Luna rushed out of the house and took her inside. Harold rambled off a bunch of things he wanted checked to his mate and left the two of them alone.

“I think they’re going to be the death of me,” Calla cried.

“They need their asses beat by the alpha,” Luna snarled. “I swear, men are so stubborn. Every single one of them needs to be taken out behind the barn and beaten within an inch of their lives when they start acting like that.”

Calla had to chuckle at the disgust in the female’s voice. It was the first time since she’d arrived home that morning that she was able to finally breathe. Luna took her mind off of her own problems for just a moment, and she would cherish the female for the distraction.

“Let’s get you hooked up,” she said as they entered the first exam room. “Just hang out here and let this machine record what’s going on. I’m going to give you some oxygen, too. Let’s appease the males.”

Luna gave her a smirk, and Calla knew the white wolf was trying to lighten the mood. The only thing keeping Calla in the bed was the lowered voices of the males outside the house. If they were fighting, she would’ve heard their growls and snarls. Talon was there, and she knew he wouldn’t let them get out of hand.

She listened to the machine making its beeping sound and watched as her erratic heartbeat registered on the screen. The oxygen going into the mask on her face kept a steady hissing sound that eventually drowned out the males’ voices. Within a matter of minutes, she closed her eyes, drifting in and out

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