A Taste of Desire Page 0,88

lapse in her judgment. Despite the good she’d seen in him these past months, taking—no stealing—her letters was proof of his true character. With a new resolve, Amelia did her utmost to busy herself with the work on her desk.

Ten minutes later Thomas arrived, and with that her heart sank. Had she really believed his allure could be muted or its effect controlled? He was the kind of man females clamored to like Christians to church. But how many women knew that beneath his good looks and surface charm lay such a lying, conniving soul—an attribute undoubtedly honed and perfected at the feet of her own dear father.

“Good morning, Amelia.” He spoke briskly, barely sparing her a glance as he strode to his desk.

Amelia hid her surprise, managing a crisp nod. He didn’t appear uneasy, his expression displaying not one iota of guilt. He had taken the innocence of a lady. He had plenty to be guilty for. An honorable gentleman would already have the ring fitted and polished, and her father’s blessing. Not even she could have anticipated he’d treat her with such disregard. She tipped her chin and lengthened her spine.

“As you can see, the work has accumulated in your absence.” He sounded distracted as his gaze roamed over the piles of paper littering his desk. “I will be working in the library if you require my assistance.” He regarded her. “File these.” He gestured broadly about his desk. “And once that task is complete, I have a contract requiring translation. Oh, and try not to tire yourself.” Without a backward glance, he picked up the ledger and exited the room.

Amelia didn’t know how long she sat there frozen, her composure crumbling. While she railed at herself for being a hundred different kinds of fool, she swallowed the lump in her throat. She wouldn’t cry—desperately willing herself not to spill bitter tears of disbelief and regret. She hadn’t cried last night, so she certainly wouldn’t cry now. He had duped her once, but she’d take the veil before she ever allowed it to happen again. He wasn’t worth her precious tears or another dram of wasted emotion. Moreover, this was what she herself had insisted on. The sooner they both forgot about the incident, the better. She expected nothing from him. Nothing.

A shuffled sound drew her attention to the study door. Blast, he’s returned. She quickly picked up a stack of contracts and lowered her head in the pretense of deep concentration.

“I hope I’m not interrupting.”

At the sound of Lord Alex’s voice, Amelia raised her head, a wave of relief flooding her. He looked as handsome as ever, freshly shaved and clad in olive trousers and waistcoat, and a matching cravat was knotted about his neck. A pair of black leather gloves hung from his left hand.

“Good morning, Lady Amelia.” He greeted her with an easy smile, advancing toward her before halting in front of the desk.

“Good morning, Lord Alex.” She tried her best to adopt an amicable tone that wouldn’t reveal her inner turmoil. “And no, you’re not—at least nothing that can’t wait.” He was a friendly face, one she could desperately use right now.

“I’ve come to say good-bye. I believe I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

Don’t leave, she wanted to plead, but of course, her pride would never permit her to utter such words. At the understanding smile that tipped the corners of his mouth, she wondered if her expression looked as stricken as she felt.

“If I’d known you would be such pleasant company, I would have arranged to stay a month. As it is, business matters compel me back to London. As no sensible woman will have me, I must continue to work for my keep.”

Amelia let out a throaty chuckle. “I hardly believe things are quite that dire.” Her father had once told her the profits from Wendel’s Shipping alone would have the future generation of Cartwrights exceedingly well cared for. In addition, with his stunning good looks, second son or not, she imagined there weren’t many women who would refuse him.

“I’ve managed to keep myself off the streets, so I guess things could be worse,” he replied with a wink.

“Perhaps, I shall see you again before I leave.”

“That, Lady Amelia, would be my dearest wish.” Then with an exaggerated bow, he took her proffered hand to his mouth, his lips treating the back of it with an airy kiss.

“I also need to have the—” Thomas’s voice broke off as he came to a jarring halt

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