On Target - By Mark Greaney Page 0,93

I thought you guys were gonna be out of the way until we rendezvous in the marsh.”

“Hey, shit happens, bro. If it breaks bad, who knows what’s going to go down? We’re all ready to go to shore in support if the situation calls for it. Sudan Station has a van staged for us if we need to move into town in the morning. They also got us local clothes. We brought in secondhand gear. We aren’t going in with all U.S. equipment, for deniability’s sake. We’ve got guns from Israel and Germany and Russia, boots from Croatia, packs from China, body armor from Australia.”

Court was surprised there had been so much preparation for Whiskey Sierra to be ready to get into the fight, but it had been a long time since he’d been part of a big operation. As a singleton, he normally arranged all the gear and logistics himself.

Zack leaned forward into the soft moonlight. He put a gloved hand out in the dark, and Court shook it.

“Good luck tomorrow. I’ll be seeing you, and Oryx, when it’s done. We’ll party like rock stars on the Hannah once we exfil.”

“Sounds like a plan. But first how ’bout you guys give me a lift back across the lagoon.”

“No prob.”

Court searched Hightower’s face and body for any signs of deception. He saw worry, anxiety over the op itself, but nothing in his body language gave Court any reason to suspect deception. It comforted him to know that Sierra One did not seem to be working on a different objective in this operation.


At ten o’clock that evening Gentry stood on a street corner, just a few blocks west of where he’d been dropped off by Zack’s six-man Zodiac inflatable boat. He stood back in the dark, but many local men had passed within feet of him. Some had looked at him with curiosity but not suspicion or fear. In Sid’s info on the city he’d learned that the passengers and crew on the Western sailboats and yachts that moored in the harbor were often allowed passes to shop or eat in the town, as long as they paid for the privilege and did not have any Israeli visits stamped into their passports. Court imagined whites were a rare but not uncommon sight, so even if his skin tone raised eyebrows, there was little reason to worry it would raise an alarm.

An old white Mercedes sedan pulled up to the corner. It idled there, its poorly tuned engine coughing into the night air as the driver waited. This would be Mohammed, the local policeman on the payroll of Russian intelligence. Court did not come out of his shadow at first; instead, he searched for any evidence that the vehicle had been followed. Ultimately he decided that unless it had been followed by a donkey cart pulling a fifty-five gallon drum of water, he was clear. There were no other vehicles in sight.

Court climbed into the passenger side, and the vehicle rolled off down dusty, dark streets.

The driver’s face was blank, unmoving. Gentry felt that even if there had been light in the car’s interior, even if the biggest, brightest bulb from the biggest football stadium in the U.S. was pointed at this man’s onyx face, it would reveal no more detail than Court could now discern here in the darkness.

The policeman spoke first, in English. His voice was low and gravelly. “You are Russian?”

This guy had been working for the Russians; there was no reason to confuse him.

“That’s right.”

“Good. Tell your people I want more money.”

“I’m not your agent. Tell them yourself.”

Nothing but the man’s lips moved. Court had seen vending machines with more lifelike qualities than this informant. “I am in a dangerous position, meeting you, helping the FSB with this. It is now much more dangerous than when I agreed. I want more money before I proceed.”

Court wasn’t buying it. In Gentry’s experience it was the rule not the exception that an informant would ask for more money at the last moment. They often insisted that matters had become more complicated as a means to this end. As far as Court was concerned, this man’s main use had been to drive him from Khartoum to Suakin, and since Court had not needed that particular service, he didn’t really give a shit whether Sid or the FSB paid the man or not. Still, he’d come tonight to see if the cop could be of any use at all.

It was already looking

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