On Target - By Mark Greaney Page 0,116

SEAL; he’d been pushed physically further than 99.99 percent of the rest of the American population, so he could shrug off this battle wound for a few minutes more.

But, Zack knew, once he’d lost two liters, he’d be down, unconscious or close to it. He was desperate to find his men some cover, to tend to Four’s wounds, to consolidate ammo, to catch their fucking breath.

They were three blocks from the sea now. Two had used a hatchet to knock a hole through the wall of a small basket shop into the back of a post office. It was only just after seven a.m., so the office was still closed, but there were voices coming from the other side of the shuttered front door and windows. The team moved into the room, low and behind the counter. Five went to the front door, cracked it open, and then quickly closed it. He turned back to Sierra One, who had positioned himself to cover the hole in the wall they’d just crawled through.

“No dice, Zack. GOS out the wazoo. They’re hanging back, thinking it over, but they’ll see us if we break cover.”

“Roger that,” said Hightower. He knew this force against him must at least be entertaining the possibility that the president of their nation was a captive of the men they were shooting at. It should have made them think twice before engaging, giving an advantage to Whiskey Sierra. But this was a chaotic and confused situation, and Zack knew he could not trust the training and reasoning of his enemy to check their fire.

He nodded to a metal circular staircase that rose into a dark hole above them. It looked more like a small storage space than a second floor. “Three, punch out and try and get access to the roof, but watch for that chopper. We want to keep moving southeast, towards the port.”

Dan, the dark-bearded Paramilitary Operations officer, complied. He moved quickly with his French-made FAMAS F1 assault rifle high towards the darkness. When he was gone, Zack looked to Two, then nodded to Four. “We’ve got to stop his bleeding, or they’ll be able to track us.”

Two began limping over to Four before Zack finished the thought. Four guarded the hole in the wall with his machine gun while Two dropped to his kneepads next to him and began pulling medical supplies from his small pouch on his chest rig.

A minute later the helicopter flew by low and slow, trying to get a look inside the windows of the second story.

“Dan.” Zack used his radio to call Three on the roof.

“Yeah, boss?”

“I need you to do something about that Mi-17.”

A pause, and then the reply, “I’d love to, chief, but I left my Stinger missile in my other pants.”

Brad and Milo laughed. Spencer was down a hallway that led to an open room, doing his best to cover a half dozen points of entry by himself. Zack barked, “Three, that chopper has got to go. I don’t give a fuck how you do it, but you don’t come down till that Mi-17 goes down, how copy?”

A hesitation, but the answer was firm. “Good copy, Zack.”

“We’re gonna pass Four’s HK up to you. That’s better than your FAMAS.” Zack looked to Four, who, though prone with his back propped up against the wall and covered in blood from his right knee down, did not seem happy about relinquishing his weapon. He handed it over to Brad who, in turn, passed his F1 to the wounded man. Brad ran up the staircase with the big gun. A few seconds later, he came down with Dan’s weapon around his neck and went back to work on the bloody leg.

Hightower spoke into his headset. “There is no way we can get out of this city with that bird overhead. Once we’re on the open road, there will be nowhere to hide from the air. We defend this building until that chopper is dealt with. If Dan can get the Mi-17 out of the way, we are going to head east, to the waterline. We’re going to swim out of here. Everybody copy that?”

“Four can’t swim, boss,” said Two.

Zack looked at Four, who’s face was whitening with the loss of blood.

Four said, “Fuck that shit. I’ll swim if you tell me to swim.”

Zack looked back to Two. Brad shook his head emphatically. Milo started to protest, but Hightower raised his hand. “You cut that macho man bullshit right now. Nobody is

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