Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One) - Nikki Mays Page 0,64

have two devils. Dear Lord, help me. I’m going to end up in jail.

“You just always get what you want, don’t you?” Karen whines in a nasally voice.

“What are you talking about? We have the same job. You’re higher up than I am. How is it that I have anything that you want?” I ask exasperated.

“Work isn’t what she’s talking about.” Paige gives her a look that could melt paint. “Is it Karen”?

Karen sticks her nose up in the air. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. You should stay out of adult conversations.” I’m going to jail. I’m going to slap the shit out of this woman for talking to one of my girls like that. My fists are so tight that I’m pretty sure that my nails are going to draw blood on my palms soon.

“Oh no? You have no idea what I’m talking about?” The chuckle that Paige utters is truthfully a little frightening. Judging by the look on Karen’s face, she’s picked up on that too.

“How could I?” Karen says without the same bravado that she had before.

“Sweetheart, what are you talking about?” Danny asks from my side. I look around and realize that we have the attention of every single person in the gym. Great…just great.

Paige taps her index finger against her lip. “See, I thought that she looked familiar when she first walked up to us.”

“Of course I do.” Karen scoffs. “I’m a member here.”

“Yeah, but that’s not why you look familiar. I remember you from the day that hoochie Cadence came in and kissed papa number two here.” She swings a thumb in Danny’s direction. I look at him and he looks just as confused as I do.

“So?” Karen huffs. “I’m here all the time. Some of us like to look good.” She states nastily while looking me up and down.

Breathe Stace. Deep breaths in and out. Must not do anything stupid.

I look at Paige. “Honey, I’m not really sure what you’re getting at.” I say through gritted teeth. Truthfully, I’m confused as hell and I don’t think that I’m the only one.

“Yeah P, what does this old hag have to do with that day?” Becca asks, earning my undying love.

“I am not old!” Karen growls.

“Bitch you look fifty and cheap. Shut up.” Missy says in a tone that only a teenage girl can master. I am so finding them groomsmen their ages. I don’t care how much Danny bitches while we’re planning our, still fictitious, wedding.

“Well you see,” Paige starts with a grin that would make the Joker proud. “O.H.,” She looks Karen dead in her eyes. “Old Hag if you’re too old to figure out text shorthand.” I’m getting them the hottest groomsmen in the world, even if I have to hire them. She looks back at me and Danny. “O.H. was talking to Cadence right before she came in and jumped in your arms like she belonged there. It seemed to be pretty heated too.”

“Wh-what?” I stutter out. I look around and see a bunch of confused looks. But I see a few others scowling at Karen. “I don’t understand.”

“Oh My God!” Karen screeches. It would make any dog within a mile howl. “I don’t understand how he,” she swings her arm at Danny, “can actually want to be with someone as fucking stupid as you are!”

“That’s why you’re so mean to Stacey all the time?” Kealy questions in a firm voice filled with anger. “Because Danny wouldn’t give you the time a day? Because he fell in love with someone as amazing as Stacey, instead of an evil cow like you?”

“That’s why you hate me?” I scoff in disbelief. “Because you want my man?” She purses her lips but thankfully remains silent. “Let me guess, you tried wearing one of your pathetically skanky outfits around him but that didn’t work. And, you figured out that we were together, since everyone seemed to know.” I ignore all the murmurs indicating as much. “So, you what? Found some random chick from Danny’s past to break us up?”

“Guess you’re not as dumb as you look.” She spews like acid. “It worked didn’t it.” She gives me a cruel smile.

“What the fuck gives you the right to screw around with peoples lives?” Danny shouts. He starts to move towards her and I have to keep my arms around him to hold him still. I know that he would never hit a woman. But I don’t put it past Karen to say that

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